Gramo Coffee w Kitakyushu

JaponiaGramo Coffee



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒802-0077 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Kokurakita Ward, Konyamachi, 7−17 ダイヤ会館 2F メガヘルツ内
kontakt telefon: +81 93-533-5627
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8801994, Longitude: 130.8830718

komentarze 5

  • Kokkosta



    [Please pay attention to the schedule when visiting?] ] I was looking for a cafe that was open until late and found this place. In the end, I couldn't find coffee, but it doesn't seem like the business went out of business as mentioned in a post a while ago...I guess...? That's what it felt like. Share what you find. First of all, this store seems to be inside another store called "Mega Hertz". When I looked at the signboard, there was a signboard for this other store. And when I looked at the notice board at the entrance, I noticed that the events change depending on the day, and it looks like this cafe is open for business as one of those events. Therefore, if you want to visit, you will need to pay attention to the schedule. However, the cafe wasn't open on the day I visited, so I ended up not entering the store. Also, at the time of writing this review, the official information seems to have stopped at the end of 2022, so there is no confirmation that it is still open. The photos are below. ・Exterior view of building entrance ・Signboard at the entrance of the building ・List of events posted on billboards

  • YosNob



    It was said to be on the second floor of a multi-tenant building in a bar district, so I was glad that I finally made it to the store, but I couldn't find it. The description says it's only open on weekdays, but what does that actually mean? If they are actually open on weekdays, I would like them to change their business hours on Saturdays and Sundays.

  • mami Y

    mami Y


    You can enjoy very delicious coffee. It had a nice aroma and taste to my liking. The cookies made with granola were very filling and delicious. If there is one drawback, it is sometimes difficult to drink quietly due to the voices of other customers.

  • Juan Rojas

    Juan Rojas


    Good coffee and cake. This place share the space with a second hand clothing shop, therefore, avoid it in big groups. Four or less is ok.

  • あんとん



    I drank a cafe latte with ice cream. Although the coffee was very rich, it wasn't bitter and had a very strong and deep flavor. Are you using fresh cream? It felt like I was drinking a very high quality coffee! The majority of the stores are second-hand clothing stores. I heard that pets are also welcome, so I thought I'd like to come with my dogs next time. The downside is that the cafe space is a bit too small (there are only 3 small tables), so if someone comes next to you, you can't have a conversation.

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