イタリア酒蔵 酒バー 北越谷店 i Koshigaya

Japanイタリア酒蔵 酒バー 北越谷店



🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-18-16 Ōsawa, Koshigaya, Saitama 343-0025, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 48-915-1120
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.9027241, Longitude: 139.7819186

kommentar 5

  • ぽっこんや



    Japanese sake is amazing There are also many types of whiskey It's quite busy with regular customers.

  • Imari Norman

    Imari Norman


    One of my favorite places to go after work. Reasonable with great staff and customers.

  • Hos Sun

    Hos Sun


    It's always lively with lots of customers. There are also many solo female customers. Great atmosphere. The store manager and part-time workers are both wonderful.

  • 松本英明



    You can enjoy about 10 types of sake for 1,000 yen for 30 minutes or 2,500 yen for 120 minutes. If you want to drink it by the glass, it costs 500 yen. It's a well-balanced restaurant with a wide variety of dishes, allowing you to enjoy both quick and leisurely drinks. I'm grateful that they accept children as well. There is only one table available, so we recommend contacting us in advance.

  • 椎原真樹(Enjoy_Darts)



    Delicious dishes and delicious local sake. They also serve Sapporo draft beer very well♪ The lineup of beers and Western alcoholic beverages is also unique! The size of the shop is also relaxing. It's a cheerful and fun shop with both staff and owners.

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