Ibuki-ya Seimen i Koshigaya

JapanIbuki-ya Seimen



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Japan, 〒343-0828 Saitama, Koshigaya, Lake Town, 4-chōme−2−2 イオンレイクタウンkaze 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 48-971-8834
internet side: laketownkaze-aeonmall.com
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Latitude: 35.8780304, Longitude: 139.8247796

kommentar 5

  • かざあ



    I ate grated udon with sticky pork and fried eggplant. The noodles were thick and chewy, the soup stock was delicious, and the sticky pork went well with it! Personally, I prefer Ibukiya's taste to Marugame Seimen's. I also ordered kashiwa tempura, but I couldn't taste the meat's juices.

  • T.G



    I ordered Mochi Pork Udon at around 17:30 on January 23, 2024. I was asked if I could put green onions on it, so I asked, but green onions wouldn't let me put it on... Are you adding green onions? When I asked "It doesn't contain green onions," he said. She was a young woman with bright hair. I was confused for a moment lol The udon itself wasn't particularly tasty, so I don't think I'll go there again. *This is one person's opinion.

  • しゅう



    Although it is a self-style Sanuki udon restaurant like Marugame Seimen, the taste was far from the quality of Marugame Seimen. I ate meat udon, kitsune udon, sushi rolls, and fried chicken, but even though it was Sanuki udon, the noodles had no chewiness, and as I continued eating, I got tired of them and found it hard to eat. The fried chicken was completely cold, and I didn't know when the sushi roll was made, and I couldn't bite into the seaweed. Marugame Seimen and Hanamaru Udon are cheaper and the quality is higher, so I won't be going to these restaurants in the future.

  • Masaaki Ishikura

    Masaaki Ishikura


    This is a Sanuki udon restaurant in the food court of Koshigaya Lake Town. It seems that they are opening stores in food courts etc. under the Cypress umbrella. I ordered warm udon and kakiage. I had a delicious big fox with sardine soup stock. It feels different from Marugame. This is a shop that serves homemade noodles.

  • Nana Nana

    Nana Nana



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