Chinrai Koshigayaten i Koshigaya

JapanChinrai Koshigayaten



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒343-0011 Saitama, Koshigaya, Mashibayashi, 字城ノ上 5858−17
kontakter telefon: +81 48-964-0536
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.899722, Longitude: 139.810921

kommentar 5

  • クラフタルソース



    Parking lot: 10 spaces + 1 space (gap) It's delicious I often eat Chinese rice bowls. There is a bias in the ingredients each time. It looks like Chinese cabbage bowl Really I want you to do something From ordering to delivery It’s fast ❗ It’s the best ✨ Take-out is also good However, the ingredients of the Chinese bowl are uneven... I'll upload a photo The pricing is strange lol postscript Recently, there has also been a bias towards ingredients. Does the taste also depend on the person who makes it? The taste also varies considerably depending on the time.

  • 小山善直



    I came here based on the reviews that the fried rice was delicious. In conclusion, it's delicious! But is it only available to some of the professionals I expected? ! The aroma and flavor were low, and it was "normally delicious fried rice from a Chinese restaurant in town." I will explore again without hesitation! Menu prices have also increased due to inflation.

  • 紫音



    Even though I visited after 2pm for a slightly late lunch, the parking lot was full and very busy. It's packed with customers, probably because it's delicious. I managed to park my car (it's small due to telephone poles, etc. 😖) and enter the store, which is quite deep and spacious. There were also four cooks in the kitchen. Since it was my first time @, I ordered the standard fried rice, gyoza, and yakisoba♪ Unfortunately, the fried rice was a little salty, but even if I just ate the chargrilled rice, it was really delicious😋 The gyoza are large and chewy! This is also delicious! ️ But the most delicious thing was the sauce yakisoba👍✨️✨️ I have the impression that Chinese food is very oily, but even though it looks dry and doesn't use any oil at all, when you eat it, it's not dry at all and it's very delicious. Since the noodles are different, the taste and feel are a little different from Japanese yakisoba... I can't express it in words lol Although there is only a small amount of meat, they use good quality meat. The price is low and your stomach is full and satisfied✨️ I would actually give it a 3.5 star because it was too salty, but I gave it a 4 because of the bonus.

  • ふみ二スタ



    It's probably a small shop for a rare one, but the reviews were pretty good so I went in with high expectations. Fried rice is delicious♪ Food is served quickly. The gyoza was large, but the taste was average. The customer service was very good! Thank you for the meal.

  • 秀一



    There was a line before 11 o'clock 😃 The gyoza 🥟 are handmade jumbo dumplings that will fill you up 😅 Of course, the taste is satisfying 💯💯💯. 😊 Ramen 🍜 Set meal is also 💯💯💯💯. ☺️

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