Italian cuisine AL PORTO SHIZUOKA in Shizuoka

JapanItalian cuisine AL PORTO SHIZUOKA



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Japan, 〒420-0851 Shizuoka, Aoi Ward, Kuroganechō, 56番地 ホテルアソシア静岡 15階
kontakte telefon: +81 54-205-8633
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9729736, Longitude: 138.3898521

kommentare 5

  • りり



    This was my third time visiting. I'm very sorry but I didn't have high expectations for the taste from the beginning. Since it was my birthday, I made a reservation on the platinum course. The taste in presentation was nice. The taste was strong and I didn't like it. The timing of the wine service was also disappointing. Regarding the service level, I would like to see more improvement within the hotel. That's why we pay a high price... The location is great I think it would be good for an anniversary Next time, I'd like to order a course with a slightly lower price. (Sorry for the harsh review!)

  • キジトラ



    Visited for New Year's lunch. The facility, including the hotel, was crowded, but I was able to enjoy my meal in a calm atmosphere. The view is also good, overlooking the cityscape. All the dishes were delicious. Although it costs an extra fee, I felt that the fresh sea urchin pasta was more satisfying. I would like to use it again.




    I often go there for family anniversaries, and each time they serve delicious dishes that make use of local ingredients. Since it is located on the upper floor of the hotel, the view is also very good depending on your seat. The staff is attentive and the restaurant is informal, making it a great place for formal but not formal meetings.

  • T Nkj

    T Nkj


    "I'd like to have lunch at a hotel restaurant, but it's too expensive..." They responded to the selfish needs of this elderly couple with solid service. Although we had made a reservation for the same day, we were able to find a seat and received the ``Hotel Associa 40th Anniversary Lunch (3,900 yen per person)''. It started with toast drinks, followed by hors d'oeuvres, soup with lots of ingredients, pasta, main course, and dessert. I'm not a gourmet, but I thought all the dishes were delicious. My husband and I had a warm and warm time together. From the window seat, you can see Mt. Fuji in the distance. There was also a compact private room in the back. I would like to visit again.

  • 大岡弘樹



    This is the second time I've used it since Christmas lunch last year. I received a 3,800 yen Alporto lunch course from Associa's ``Autumn Taste Gourmet Lunch'' until the end of October. I chose a 5-kind platter, sweet potato potage soup, and pasta Amatriciana and Federini. Both pastas were quite tasty. The focaccia was delicious and I ordered two different types of bread. For the main course, the sautéed chicken was voluminous, and the red sea bream vapore was elaborate and had a very good taste. I also really liked the handmade brûlée for dessert. I thought it was a very creative course, each dish was satisfying, and a great value. Added a photo of Nanaya lunch course 3900 yen. I thought it was a course where you could enjoy the green color all the way to Carbonara. Of course, the matcha and hojicha sweets were also delicious. The gelato had a strong matcha flavor similar to the one you get at Nanaya.

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