Irifune Ryokan i Fuji

JapanIrifune Ryokan


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Japan, 〒417-0001 Shizuoka, Fuji, Imaizumi, 1-chōme−7−7 旅館 入船
kontakter telefon: +81 545-52-2082
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1637382, Longitude: 138.689392

kommentar 5

  • 辛口



    Thank you for staying with me for a few days on a business trip. The landlady was very accommodating and provided meals that were unmatched in price. The price was incredibly reasonable considering it included a large public bath, spacious room, free parking, and breakfast and dinner. There are also bars nearby, so if you're here on business, we highly recommend it!

  • 1 39

    1 39


    In conclusion, it is recommended There is more value than the price The interior is old, and the common areas are carpeted and have a Showa-era feel, but the toilets and plumbing are new. The meals are surprisingly luxurious for just under 7,000 yen. A daily changing set menu using seasonal ingredients will be served. The default meal for dinner is a large serving, so if you're not a big eater, please order a small serving. The downside is that the sake promoted by the inn is not Junmai sake (the menu posted on the wall calls it Junmai Ginjo). It's cheap at 500 yen so I can't complain, but I misunderstood it. The main taste is delicious, but it doesn't have the aftertaste of pure rice sake. . .

  • 1990 n

    1990 n


    I brought my 0 year old and 2 year old! The best! They let us reserve the large public bath and women's bath, and made it into a family bath so we could use it together as a family! It's not easy for the whole family to come in. It was a great memory! I didn't order food for my 2 year old and kept it separate, but she always set up the tableware, spoon, fork, seaweed, Anpanman furikake, Yakult, and a child's chair every time! Also, you can feel the care they provide for the rice and miso soup with free refills (you can add whatever you want) and the amenities they provide for the kids! The food is delicious and the rooms are spacious and clean! You can eat your meal in the spacious tatami room on the first floor! My 0-year-old child can roll it around and eat slowly! There is no bath in the room, but there is a toilet! There are several small refrigerators in the hallway that you can use as you like! Highly recommended for families with children! The price for 2 nights and 3 days on the first 29.30.1 of Golden Week, breakfast and dinner included, for 2 adults was about 26,800 yen, which was super cheap! Before entering the inn, we will disinfect your room, measure your body temperature, and take other precautionary measures against the coronavirus ☺︎ There are restaurants, convenience stores, and everything else nearby, and you can even see Mt. Fuji!

  • 以前のユーザー



    Corona measures are also well taken. The calm atmosphere and large public bath are well maintained and comfortable. There is a wide variety of food available.

  • けんけんぱー



    By chance, I was able to make a reservation the day before. I stayed overnight without meals, but the room was spacious. There was no bath in the room, but there was a large public bath. It was nice to be able to take a relaxing bath. There is a parking lot and a food store nearby.

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