イオンスタイルワンダーシティ i Nagoya




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40 Futakatachō, Nishi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 452-0817, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 52-506-5600
internet side: www.aeon.com
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Latitude: 35.2254187, Longitude: 136.8843421

kommentar 5

  • 小西弘晃



    I have no complaints about shopping, but each section of the parking lot is small and surrounds the building, so it can be a hassle if you're not used to finding a vacant spot.

  • trk



    I bought a tuna sushi pack for lunch and ate it. Honestly, it wasn't very tasty considering it cost 1200 yen for 6 pieces. Maybe I'm unzipping it wrong. It also didn't make sense that there were thin slices of lemon on top of the sushi. It's fine with salmon, but it doesn't go well with tuna. If you want to eat sushi from a supermarket, the newly opened Nakakotai Barrow is better value and delicious in terms of quantity and quality. However, the selection is sufficient. I don't have any photos of the inside of the store because I once got warned for taking pictures of the products in the store at a certain convenience store, but there are KALDI and Kitano Ace if you need something, so if you want to make elaborate dishes, you can rely on them. .

  • cafeすけ



    Aeon is located in Aeon Style Mozo Wonder City in Nishi Ward, Nagoya City. The good thing about Aeon is the ease of shopping! I like it because it's spacious and there are many kinds of things for sale.

  • Mitch Dr

    Mitch Dr


    This is a personal story, but There are three good things about this place that you won't find at other supermarkets. ・Low fat milk is 98 yen ・Mandai sashimi. I bought it immediately after seeing it for the first time. It was fatty than the tuna and came with a seafood bowl sauce, so I just put it on top of the rice and poured it over it, and it was delicious. And since I bought it in the evening, it was half price, 169 yen. ・They sold sesame-flavored ramen, which I thought was only available in the Kyushu region.

  • jane yu

    jane yu



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