Inn the Mist in Nikko

JapanInn the Mist


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1541-941 Tokorono, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1421, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 288-54-2962
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.7675817, Longitude: 139.6154197

kommentare 5

  • 洋介白岩



    This is the first time in 16 years that I have stayed here since the hotel allows dogs. It was the same great food, service and facilities as 16 years ago. They will lend you a cart when you eat, so you can enjoy your meal in peace. Although it is not possible in the bath, you can go to the changing room with your dog. There are only two groups per day, so it's very quiet. My dog ​​sometimes gets restless at night when we stay overnight, but he slept soundly. There are plenty of amenities for dogs, and you can feel the owner couple's care for their guests in everything they do. There is no doubt that you will have a wonderful time that is worth more than the price!

  • killygoon



    I used it for my first trip with my dog! As per the reviews, the food was delicious. The room is fully stocked with dog beds, toilets, brushes, towels, purrs, feeding utensils, manner belts, etc. Buggies can also be rented at the dining venue. I had heard that they had dog goods available, but I didn't expect them to have such a wide selection, which was very helpful. Since it was my first time, I brought a lot of things with me, but next time I think I'll just need the usual food and snacks. The private bath and massage chair were wonderful, and the dog was able to enjoy exploring the courtyard. The owner and his wife were really kind people and I enjoyed talking with them. thank you very much.

  • おじさんは体中遺体



    I've been going every year since I was 20 years old, and I've been taking care of him for 30 years. It's a perfect pension in every aspect: the delicious food that hasn't changed for 30 years, the cleanliness of the pension, the personality of the owner and his wife, and the cute dogs. Not only my husband and I, but also the owner and his wife are getting older and I think their health is quite tough. Please don't push yourself too hard and stay healthy forever ✨

  • のりのり



    I stayed here this time with my pet (a small dog) because other reviews said the food was good. There are only two groups per day, so we were able to relax and not get crowded. As expected, the food was delicious, hot food was hot, cold food was cold, and the elaborate dishes such as homemade marinated salmon were delicious. I felt like I could make it as a restaurant alone. I don't think they use particularly high-quality ingredients, but I got the impression that all the dishes were made with a lot of heart. Also, thanks to the owner who loves dogs, we had fun talking to each other and were kind to his dog. The only regret I had was that the bath wasn't a hot spring, but I'm still glad I stayed at this pension. I would like to visit again if I have a chance.

  • Mohamed Wahib

    Mohamed Wahib


    Nice Victorian style hotel. Room spacious and clean. Very attentive staff.

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