恄恑恙ꖙē† 宗弘 w Yatsushiro

Japonia恄恑恙ꖙē† 宗弘



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-2-26 Honmachi, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto 866-0861, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 965-33-2730
strona internetowej: munehiro.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 32.5040168, Longitude: 130.5985785

komentarze 5

  • ē™½ę’„äø­



    Attracted by the 40% discount on squid on TV, I had squid sashimi and sushi for lunchšŸ“šŸ™ The inside of the store is so much like an aquarium, there are so many fish tanks and all kinds of fish swimming around, and this alone is worth a visitšŸ™‹ I ate at the counter, and ordering is done using a tablet, but the chef at the restaurant was kind enough to assist you. Of course, the squid is made alive, so the flesh is transparent and has a good texture, so it's very delicious šŸ‘Œ As expected from a restaurant listed in the Michelin Guide, the sushi was also delicious. Of course the food was good, but what was even more impressive was the service from the chef at the counter. I guess it's a shop with a good work environment šŸ‘ļø

  • 陶山和哉



    The fish tank is amazing! All the fish were so fresh! The staff are also kind.

  • ć¾ć‚Šć‚



    This is my favorite shop in Yatsushiro! As soon as you enter the store, it feels like an aquarium. Of course the fish is delicious, but so is the meat! Everything is deliciousā™Ŗ By the way, the last order for lunch is 2pm. Thank you for the mealšŸ˜‹

  • é””ć§ć‹ćƒ—ćƒŖć‚Ŗ



    Speaking of Yashiro, this is the place! There's always something you want to eat I forgot to take a photo, but the grilled black tongue was delicious.The whale was also delicious. Wide variety of alcoholic beverages šŸ¶

  • ć‚ć£ććƒ¼



    I visited for lunch on a weekday in March 2024. We arrived before 12:00, but the parking lot was already full and we were directed to the counter. When I entered the store, there was a fish tank with all kinds of fish swimming around. My first impression when I saw the menu was that it was quite expensive... 惻Order grilled fish set meal (swordfish) 1,800 yen The cutlassfish was quite small...it also had a lot of bones and not much meat. The taste is so-so. My companion ordered Gokusaisendon (3,800 yen) Honestly, the seafood bowl was worse... The toppings only covered about half of the bowl, and the toppings were quite thin. I'm surprised that this costs 4,000 yen including tax. It may have been because I had high expectations based on the fish tank when I entered the store, but I was quite disappointed. Looking at the reviews, there are many high ratings, and some people say that if you want to eat seafood in Yatsushiro, this is the place to go. Is it because there aren't many other stores? That's what I think. There are some good things about the store's appearance, the fish tank, and the staff's response, so I think they should reconsider it a little more. (This is my personal opinion)

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