Food Plaza Nishida Jonan w Kumamoto

JaponiaFood Plaza Nishida Jonan



🕗 godziny otwarcia

18-1 Jōnanmachi Higashiadaka, Minami Ward, Kumamoto, 861-4225, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 964-28-0001
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.6982676, Longitude: 130.7273317

komentarze 5

  • シン



    The staff's attitude is bad. The male fruit and vegetable clerk doesn't say hello, is unfriendly and obstructs the aisle. The lady at the cash register doesn't even notice when customers come over to make small talk while she's working. Especially the fat black-haired lady. I used to be a regular, but I'll never go again.

  • 田中美沙樹



    There are three supermarkets in Jonan Town, but this one is the easiest to buy. It's also great that you can exchange points for gift certificates. However, the card has recently changed and the conditions for receiving points have changed. It's cold here even in summer. Please dress accordingly.

  • kousuke imamura

    kousuke imamura


    I can't really recommend it to those who choose ingredients only based on the low price. The prices that the average person perceives as high are the normal prices for normal products made using common materials, and the products that are considered affordable are manufactured using substitute products to mimic those prices. is. If you are interested in that area, I think it would be a good idea to come and try it out. However, it is just a supermarket, so if you compare it to a specialty store, you will feel that it is lacking, so I would like people to think about it from the perspective of a supermarket.

  • きな



    There are also regular sale items, which are very cheap! As mentioned in other comments, I occasionally see store employees who don't greet me (lol). I don't really care, but it's a shame even though it's a nice store (((ʘ ʘ;)))

  • 岩崎妙子



    Since it was the company's founding festival, there were a lot of customers. If the store is about to open, the advertised items may not be available at the store, so I think it's a good idea to go around 10 o'clock.There were lots of fish and meat items lined up.

najbliższy Supermarket

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