Maruei w Mifune




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1041-1 Mifune, Kamimashiki District, Kumamoto 861-3207, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-282-4661
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7120158, Longitude: 130.8007155

komentarze 5

  • toki tagu

    toki tagu


    No, the side dishes I bought yesterday were terrible! This is not a meatball! And it's not sweet and sour! And a messy curry flavor with no meaty texture! I just couldn't eat it.

  • A T

    A T


    Seria, flower shop, cleaning, etc. are attached. Normal for a supermarket. SeriaAt the same time, I buy what I'm missing.

  • よっち



    Is this a local supermarket that you happened to stop by when you were hungry? The side dishes were well seasoned (I enjoyed them) and the female cashier was very kind and polite. It's great to have a caring adult! If I have a chance, I will stop by again.

  • kmckpkc jyhnjtg

    kmckpkc jyhnjtg


    I think fresh food is good! Fresh fish is fresh and cheap, and meat is also cheap! Are processed products a bit expensive? There are also plenty of side dishes. It's a bit troublesome because alcohol is sold at the liquor store next door. And relatively expensive. Half of Maruei is 100 yen Seria. I haven't seen the clerk who made me feel uncomfortable last time. Perhaps because there are more young employees, they are polite and kind.

  • odekake nonbiri

    odekake nonbiri


    Is the frozen white fish tartar sauce substandard? It's a good deal to get it in bulk at a low price. The taste is the same and it's great for lunch boxes. It's fun to stock sweets and cup ramen with unusual items. If I remember correctly, Seijo Ishii was also included! Both fish and meat (steaks are often half the price!) are better priced than others. For small families, this place is better than Costco or Gyomu Super.

najbliższy Supermarket

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