IKEA Fukuoka Shingu en Shingu

JapónIKEA Fukuoka Shingu



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-9-1 Chūō Ekimae, Shingu, Kasuya District, Fukuoka 811-0120, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81
sitio web: www.ikea.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.7101933, Longitude: 130.4503526

comentarios 5

  • Catherine



    Those bags are the best for travelers. Bought the blue one and checked in on my flight. It’s sturdy enough to withstand and light enough not take up any weight. Also bought the vanilla cone. But I found it a bit too sweet. Although it’s a very good price I will not buy again. The warehouse is large and there are many restaurants around. It’s a nice trip to come to this area for a shopping day.

  • Salman Bari

    Salman Bari


    Their delivery service is the worst. They charged for the delivery and it was supposed to be dropped to the room of our apartment. Before purchasing the product we measured the height of the ceiling and it was perfectly ok for taking it inside the passage to the room. Before buying the product, we also confirmed whether they will bring it in diagonally (if required) or not. They said, they will. Once they brought the stuff today, the old man said it will not go inside the room because it will hit the ceiling. We said we measured already and it will go in. But he didn’t listen and dropped the product inside the apartment. After they left, we brought the product in the room without any trouble and it wasn’t even touch the ceiling at all. It’s so unfortunate that a brand like IKEA has the worst delivery service and even they charge for delivery, they don’t even complete it according to how they say. It’s a kind of extortion. They just sell the product and don’t have any responsibility of doing after follow. I am sure they don’t even care of seeing those google reviews here and take necessary steps.

  • Japan Experience

    Japan Experience


    This place is soo big I got tired of looking at products. Fortunately there are 2 restaurants / cafeterias you can rest in or eat then continue with shopping. I really like how they display their products so you can imagine them in your own home. Plenty of free parking. I recommend going on weekdays as weekends are super busy.

  • Selvia Novianty

    Selvia Novianty


    You should visit on the weekdays compare to the weekend because you can enjoy choosing furniture without a rush and also enjoy the meal without queue. But the negative thing when you go in weekdays is just the working hours really fast, it will be until 19.00. The meal also have reasonable prices and the taste was good. It’s also recommended come with children because there was a playland for children there.

  • Dil Ashrafi Anandi

    Dil Ashrafi Anandi


    Perfect place for buying furnitures. All the products are so beautifully decorated that you will feel like buying everything. Love the place. Reasonable price compared to others. There is also a restaurant which is vegetarian friendly. You should must try the mango ice cream. It's so tasty.

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