Grace Medical Clinic en Kumamoto

JapónGrace Medical Clinic



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1-chōme-16-36 Sadowara, Higashi Ward, Kumamoto, 862-0916, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-360-9013
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.790494, Longitude: 130.774748

comentarios 5

  • もちもち



    We are taking care of you through online medical treatment. Although she has high blood pressure, she was reluctant to go to an actual hospital because she was still young. She listens carefully to my current problems, is kind, and responds quickly, which I am very grateful for as someone who is busy with work and family. I look forward to working with you

  • Taegook



    He speaks fast and wants to get tested anyway. If left untreated, the patient will be worried about sudden death, just by asking questions. I went to see him because the reviews were good, but I thought it was impossible for that doctor to get this kind of review. If you read the reviews, you may have guessed by the owner's comment.

  • M M

    M M


    All the nurses are interesting and easy to talk to. However, the doctor talked so fast and was so pushy that I went home without taking any medicine. It was so bad that I thought I had ever felt so stressed out, and on the way home I felt sick to my stomach and fell asleep. Professors from Kumamoto University often come and go at my workplace, so when I asked for advice, I was surprised that they would respond in such a way. I guess a lot of patients choose this clinic because it also does beauty-related things.

  • S S

    S S


    I was surprised to see so many lowest ratings. I had been receiving medical treatment online, and although I was treated well for the first few times (several months), the receptionist's treatment gradually became complicated. Not only are our requests not accepted, but now that several years have passed, they are completely ignored. Treatment methods changed frequently, and I was always confused. I changed to a local clinic and was very happy to see that my blood pressure had decreased by the time I decided to stop taking medicine due to exercise therapy.

  • 松村幸奈



    First of all, the director is very kind, good-looking, and easy to talk to. All the staff members are beautiful, and the nurses are also very easy to talk to, listening to your private stories! ☺️There were many scary doctors at the hospital I went to, and I couldn't ask what I wanted to ask, but she explained what I asked in an easy-to-understand manner. Also, I have a tendency to have a lot of anxiety, so if I have any concerns, I always get them checked out right away. If you feel relieved 🥺, your anxiety will immediately disappear. It's a state-of-the-art hospital that offers a variety of supplements and beauty treatments, although it's at your own expense. I would like to continue to take care of my husband and I.

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