ホワイトエッセンス加盟院(新津) i Niigata




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒956-0816 Niigata, Akiha Ward, Niitsuhigashichō, 3-chōme−4−3 やまざき歯科医院 内
kontakter telefon: +81 120-708-846
internet side: www.whiteessence.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.804686, Longitude: 139.1435649

kommentar 5

  • わー君



    My attitude has changed since I started using White Essence. Patients who did not receive Essence were told to leave even though they were being treated. The familiar changeling looked apologetic. This post feels intentional on that side. We advise you to use this product with caution.

  • bati kingyo

    bati kingyo


    This was my first visit for a whitening consultation. He thoroughly explained the differences in the effects of each treatment without any unreasonable solicitation. The staff who answered the questions also explained things that were unclear, and made it easy for me to ask questions. I feel like I can continue to visit with peace of mind!

  • てい



    A dental hygienist with a cute smile took care of me! It was a relaxing private room with an atmosphere similar to a beauty salon.

  • 小川雄矢



    My teeth that were crooked at the top and bottom became straight in just over a year. We are able to provide thorough consultations and always feel at ease during the treatment. We were able to discuss anything and the outcome was satisfactory.

  • 宝加吉田



    It's been about 3 months since I started going. The staff's courteous customer service makes me feel good every time (^^) There is no pain during the treatment and you can relax while doing it! You can achieve your ideal white tooth color in a short period of time. I'm very satisfied! !

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