ホテルファミテック明神 en Nikko




🕗 horarios

456-1 Muroze, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1275, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 288-22-2309
sitio web: www.famitic-myojin.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.7022185, Longitude: 139.7049787

comentarios 5

  • 李欣



    To be honest, the kindness of the owner still leaves an impression on me. I suddenly decided to stay overnight during the Obon holiday. The price was reasonable and I also received a coupon. I actually used it for 3000 yen for one night. It's an old image, but I wanted to go back in history (lol)

  • 趣味はギター(聖帝マル)



    I took advantage of the prefectural discount and received a local coupon, so I was very satisfied as I was able to stay for only 1,500 yen. The only negative point was that I could only use the unit bath in my room because the public bath was closed.

  • 市本賢一



    Let's aim for a hotel suitable for training camps and students in the city. Let's say it's better to stay at this price than vinegar 👏 I think such a place with no convenience stores around is precious 🙌 Unlimited view of cedar trees 👏 Lights where flying squirrels fly at night When you shine the light on it, it looks like the battledore is flying 😮 A trout that can enjoy nature 🙌 A long time ago, an owl was injured on a road lined with cedar trees in this area, so when I went close to help it, the owl panicked and used its last strength. I tried my best to fly a little, but I was pulled by a trailer😬Is it because of the eagle? ⁉️True story😅

  • 昭和サイダー



    Stayed overnight at a school training camp. As expected, it wasn't messy at all, but it was enough for a school training camp. The manager is generally a good person. I also have a cat, and I get to pet it on rare occasions. The room is located at the top of a steep staircase, and although the inside is old-fashioned, it is kept clean to the bare minimum. There is also a washing machine with a retro game style on the way, which is surprisingly sturdy except for the fact that it is old. Best of all, there is Wifi. There is also a small sauna attached to the bath. The food wasn't bad either. Breakfast was a buffet, but this was the best. Overall, it is not suitable for business stays, but is sufficient for school training camps and mountain climbing. On the other hand, is it generally harsh for people with germ-obsessed habits?

  • Wei Liu

    Wei Liu


    Clean room

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