Hotel Zao Shiki i Yamagata

JapanHotel Zao Shiki


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1272 Zaoonsen, Yamagata, 990-2301, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 23-693-1211
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.1604772, Longitude: 140.3923484

kommentar 5

  • Megan Bryden

    Megan Bryden


    We visited this hotel in summer and had a great stay. We are a family of 4 with two kids and many of the hotels in this town don't sleep 4 or don't allow kids at all; this hotel was very welcoming for our family. The room was extremely nice, super clean and comfortable. We loved the forest view out the window. We all used the onsen many times and enjoyed trying the different ones. Make sure and go to each one more than once because they swap out the mens and womens and each are different. We thought we would reserve a private small onsen at the sister hotel because my kids were a bit shy of going without clothes, but they ended up being fine with it so we just used the ones included at the hotel and they are gorgeous. Our favorite was the one at the end of the parking lot with the natural sulfur water. We had a wonderful stay at this hotel, highly recommend.

  • Maria de Jong 드 종

    Maria de Jong 드 종


    The staff were super friendly and helpful (really can’t share the experience of other foreigners that had bad experiences). Both the outside and the inside onsen were great. The inside one has a cold plunge bath and a sauna but the outside one has sulphur waters (which gives you super soft skin). Perhaps the rooms and the hotel are slightly outdated, but it has its charm and everything is well-kept and most importantly clean. The breakfast is one of the best we had in Japan (and I have been to 20 different hotels in differents parts of this country). Amazing place if you are looking for a peaceful holiday, with lots of hiking and nature.

  • Jia-Shing Wang

    Jia-Shing Wang


    I stayed here for two night and they offered different dinner meals, which was great. Room was spacious and clean. Staff spoke English well and communication wasn’t a problem. They also offered pickups and dropoffs from the Yamagata station, which was quite helpful.

  • Leo Chow

    Leo Chow


    The hotel is superb. The staff's kindness and attentiveness made me feel truly welcome throughout my visit. The hotel's elegant ambiance and top-notch amenities exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a memorable and delightful stay. Can't wait to return!

  • Meggie Tseng

    Meggie Tseng


    Not the fanciest facility, but the staff here were amazing! Everyone is so kind and accommodating. The dinner is very delicious, too. My mom and I stayed here for 4 days, and it has become one of our favorite hotels in Japan. Definitely coming back!

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