Hotel Sunroute New Sapporo en Sapporo

JapónHotel Sunroute New Sapporo


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6 Chome Minami 2 Jonishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0062, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-251-2511
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Latitude: 43.057107, Longitude: 141.349491

comentarios 5

  • Sudhir Kumar

    Sudhir Kumar


    I was expecting a tiny room (I stayed at their Shinjuku hotel before) but this was tinier. I'm small built and I had difficulty in using the bathroom! Breakfast timings are from 6.30 to 10 am. They stop replenishing the buffet tables at 9- in fact when we got there at 9:15 the first day, there was little to eat- just croissants and coffee. So I got there at 6:30 next morning only to fight a horde of people. Staff in the Alitalia restaurant were downright rude to top it. I won't stay here the next time for sure.

  • ysha belk

    ysha belk


    The rooms are a bit oldish but the beds are quite comfortable, the staff is friendly and efficient. The location was great for us as it is not far from the shopping street and there were many shops and eateries around. The price was worth the price as it was a late booking on the same day. So we were very grateful and felt welcome. Will come again.

  • Lai Lai

    Lai Lai


    A convenient place to the shopping areas. But hotel room only has complimentary green tea, no coffee or mineral water. Spacious room, but it doesn't seem to be sound proof as we can hear noise from outside the hotel. Eg. Vehicle. Not sure if it's due to we are staying low floor.. 5th. Or maybe the window has gap.

  • 김선기 (Raphael)

    김선기 (Raphael)


    The facilities are very old, even the entrance lock is an analog key (not a digital lock with a card-key). And the space is also very small like other business hotel in Japan. You can't open your bag at the room if you have over 24" size. However, the location is very nice, staffs are very friendly. I can recommend here.

  • Jierick Ng

    Jierick Ng


    I stayed in a normal king bed room. Great budget hotel, I was surprised that the room has bathtub and electronic massage chair. Accessibility is very good, the location is within the city center. The best part is the depart bus and return bus to airport is right infront of the hotel, saved some walks with burdened baggages. Price of the room is decent. I dig it.

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