Hotel Sorriso Hamamatsu en Hamamatsu

JapónHotel Sorriso Hamamatsu


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Japan, 〒430-0926 Shizuoka, Hamamatsu, Chūō-ku, Sunayamachō, 322−7 仲秋ビル 8F
contactos teléfono: +81 53-452-5000
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Latitude: 34.7028683, Longitude: 137.7342103

comentarios 5

  • Mari Koizumi

    Mari Koizumi


    Best location. Family room was big enough for 3-4 people. Breakfast was provided for free. There are coin laundry so you can do laundry. They also helped us to send the left behind item after we checked out. Highly recommend and worth for money. Thank you so much.

  • Stryker McCann

    Stryker McCann


    Room was a little small and dated. TV was hard mounted to the wall which made watching it from bed a pain. Stayed for 2 weeks and didn't go crazy. Breakfast says western and Japanese but it wasn't very western.

  • Euniece



    Very near Hamamatsu station and has convenience store and restaurants nearby. Room size is small but well kept. Breakfast is also okay.

  • Jordy Meow (Japon Secret)

    Jordy Meow (Japon Secret)


    Looking for a nice, simple, and affordable place to stay in Hamamatsu? This hotel fits the bill perfectly! And the cherry on top? There's an excellent curry shop just around the corner. Talk about a win-win situation! Bonus points for not breaking the bank.

  • Priyank Dalal

    Priyank Dalal


    Nice hotel. Exactly opposite to Hamamtsu train station. Good breakfast.

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