Comfort Hotel Hamamatsu en Hamamatsu

JapónComfort Hotel Hamamatsu


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353-5 Sunayamachō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 430-0926, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 53-450-6111
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Latitude: 34.7024514, Longitude: 137.7359048

comentarios 5

  • Anna



    Quite nice and convenient for a night. Super easy check in and check out, smiley and welcoming staff. The breakfast is simple but nice, a very great value. There’s also a laundromat (400 JPY for a washing cycle and 100 JPY 30mins of drying) which is useful.

  • Shaun



    Perfect hotel for a stopover… rooms are small like Japanese standard… staff at the counter super friendly and could speak English. Free tea and coffee downstairs anytime time… nice breakfast and comfortable dining/relaxing area to sit. Right across the road from the station but quiet.

  • Róbert Bányász

    Róbert Bányász


    as the name suggests, it is comfortable. however, the room and the bathroom are small for me. the staff is the best I've ever been to. I always found food that I liked at breakfast, but I'm not used to European cuisine.

  • R P

    R P


    This hotel not changing much trough out the year. I’ve been here so many times since it is very close to train station, only 5 minutes walking distance. Room is small, quite bit old however since this hotel is quite minimalist, not too much sign of wear are available. The amenities is quite complete. Adjusting the AC and watching TV is a little bit workout for me, since it is only written in Japanese. Services are good and humble, breakfast are standart, almost no change at all day by day.

  • 趙亮



    A small, clean, quiet business hotel. The room is simple and plain. The front stuff is very nice. There are computers for rent for 500 yen /stay and printer for free. The breakfast is simple, and not so good. coffee bar and softdrinks are available next to front from 2 pm to midnight for free.

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