Hotel Sohkan i Matsushima

JapanHotel Sohkan


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Hama-1-1 Isozaki, Matsushima, Miyagi District, Miyagi 981-0212, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 50-3538-5798
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Latitude: 38.3781825, Longitude: 141.072917

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Kwintner

    Daniel Kwintner


    This hotel is so old, don’t expect any wifi in the room, don’t expect to get a room that doesn’t smell like an ashtray. The staff is old and will definitely not accommodate you if it is too complicate for them. I won’t recommend this hotel to anybody who is below 50 years old.

  • Eric Erlandsson

    Eric Erlandsson


    Buffet was good. Onsen also. Beds a bit hard and also the futons was a bit harder compared to good quality new futons that they have in some hotels. Smoking rooms smelled a lot of smoke. But overall an ok experiance.

  • Nicole Berg

    Nicole Berg


    Onsen was perfect. Great buffet for breakfast and dinner.

  • Joseph Hernandez

    Joseph Hernandez


    The service is great, the food is great and the hotel itself is very nice and welcoming.

  • Masaki Wada

    Masaki Wada


    Luxury hotel. Japanese style hotel, ryokan. You can play table tennis for free

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