Hotel Sakuraya in Hatsukaichi

JapanHotel Sakuraya


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853-1 Miyajimacho, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 739-0588, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 829-40-2805
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3004552, Longitude: 132.3215365

kommentare 5

  • Ronald



    Ideal location with a breathtaking view of the sea, we received the best services and manners from staff. Our room (4th floor western style room) was seriously huge for a hotel room in Japan. Cleanliness was top notch and they all used the latest tech for their TV, heaters, tubs, toilet bowls, aircon and even the electric kettle. It is on-par or even better than most 5-star hotels. Highly recommended.

  • Subh C

    Subh C


    One of the Ryokans (traditional Japanese hotel) with room walls and floor covered with tatami mats. Floor sitting and sleeping. With Onsen (Japanese public bath) facilities.

  • Christi Jones

    Christi Jones


    The staff was very friendly and stored our luggage for us after checkout. Breakfast was a reasonable price and tasted good. I booked a traditional sea-view room which was spacious and had a lovely sitting area with a window you could open (screen is on the outside, you just pull it over to keep out the bugs). It is conveniently located near the port and while you can’t see the torii from the window you do have a nice view of the water and Hiroshima.

  • Dan



    Excellent location with hotel right by the water near the ferry. On each floor there are two ocean view rooms which is gorgeous on a nice day. The staff at the hotel are kind and extremely friendly. The hotel is actually a lot bigger than it appears from the outside. While they do not serve dinner. There are several places nearby to eat with most places taking last orders around 7PM so plan accordingly! Wifi was fast and the shower had strong pressure. Some criticism includes a small bathroom and noise insulation.

  • iris soh

    iris soh


    Great location hotel on the island! Affordable, nice, clean, Japanese style room. Mine has a partial ocean view and is bigger than I originally thought. The bed is nice and not too thin. The bathroom is old but clean. The basement bath would look nicer if they paint the wall or hang a picture instead of leaving it blank. But for the price, I can't ask for more, recommend!

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