Hotel S-Plus Hiroshima Peace Park w Hiroshima

JaponiaHotel S-Plus Hiroshima Peace Park



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3丁目-17 Komachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0041, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 82-541-5555
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.3889254, Longitude: 132.4561726

komentarze 5

  • Brown Scard

    Brown Scard


    I've read some of the reviews, and I don't understand them at all. The rooms aren't 'modern' no, but they're practical, comfy (especially the beds) and well-kept. The breakfast offers a broad amount of different foods, and last but not least - the staff is super friendly and helpful. I felt welcome as soon as I stepped in through the doors. Also you can buy cheap ferry+trolley tickets at the reception.

  • Alice R.

    Alice R.


    A conviently located hotel near Peace Park. It is easy to get here if you use the JR sightseeing bus from Hiroshima station. The room itself is a little dirty and old seeming. There was some mold in the washroom. However, it was the most spacious hotel room I experienced on my trip at this price point. The front lobby has a convinent luggage storage system where you can store your luggage while exploring the city. It seems a little unsafe as anyone can access it but there were no thefts.

  • Daniel Cerovic

    Daniel Cerovic


    Convenient location, and my room, while on the basic side, was fine. The hallways though feel pretty dated and drab. Staff working there are very helpful and lovely people.

  • Jonathan



    Entering the lobby is okay, but I got up to the room for an experience that felt like I had traveled back to the 1970s. The hallways felt like I should see a Darlek from Dr Who, into the room with the avocado green bedding and walls, the crumbling bathroom with a sink that says Yamaha! Wow, a bathroom with Yamaha furnishings! The sink leaks, bathroom cracking, old and in dire need of a refurbish. The hotel is kept fairly clean, but there is still lining of dust in areas, they could be doing a better job. As for breakfast, it’s like an aeroplane buffet, it’s okay, nothing special. There is so much room for improvement. I also felt at the time they maybe understaffed.

  • 2xtreme4u2bme



    You get what you pay for, that said the place is not bad for the price. Yet if you want high end games his place has not been updated but the staff are friendly and professional. I was travelling across the country and this place was convenient for us. There is complimentary umbrellas and you can use the bikes provided for you, the place also has complimentary lockers which was ideal for me as I was to leave the next day yet was able to lock up my luggage and explore the local area. I suggest trying out the local ramen shops, they are great on a rainy spring day.

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