Hotel Route Inn Ishinomaki Kanan Inter w Ishinomaki

JaponiaHotel Route Inn Ishinomaki Kanan Inter


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-14番地2 Megumino, Ishinomaki, Miyagi 986-0868, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 225-92-0075
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.4450256, Longitude: 141.2711158

komentarze 5

  • Sa “Nana”

    Sa “Nana”


    In terms of value for money, the room is clean and convenient, and the parking lot is spacious, but the front desk is not very responsive.I don't know if it's the manager, but the hotel staff is very helpful.

  • のらさん



    There are many restaurants around the hotel, so it's very convenient. The staff are very welcoming and responsive.

  • うえさと



    There were marks that looked like white paint had been splattered on the head of one of the twin beds and on the table, and it was disgusting, so I contacted the front desk and they said they would look into it. After waiting for a while, there was no call back, so I contacted them again. I was told that there were traces of disinfectant, and that they were arranging another room and that it would take about 15 minutes. My husband, who was tired from the long drive after work, said he had enough, so we only shared the clean bed.

  • Daniel Selanjat

    Daniel Selanjat



  • Lee



    The room was clean, hotel staff were very nice. My only complaint is the bed is very hard.

najbliższy Kwatera

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