Hotel Piena Kobe w Kobe

JaponiaHotel Piena Kobe


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4-chōme-20-5 Ninomiyachō, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 651-0093, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 78-241-1010
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Latitude: 34.6990641, Longitude: 135.1950798

komentarze 5

  • E C

    E C


    Old-fashioned European style rooms and furniture. Location a bit inconvenient as it is halfway between Sannomiya and Shin-Kobe stations with nothing to connect them. You will walk a lot and the area you must walk through from Sannomiya to get here is a little bit on the scary side for a woman travelling alone. A selection of elaborate cakes and confections are available for sale in the lobby. I did try to book back here on another occasion about 6 months after my stay but unfortunately there must have been an error on the third party booking site I used as despite trying twice to pay in advance my payment just failed. Maybe the payment system was temporarily down, who knows. So sadly I had to book elsewhere on that occasion. Nonetheless, it is a nice place if you don't mind a bit of walking through a not very pretty neighbourhood.

  • Tabby Cat

    Tabby Cat


    We felt mellow in this cosy hotel. Spacious rooms with thoughtful amenities. Delicious western-style breakfast. It is a beautiful feeling.

  • Russian Steel (スチール)

    Russian Steel (スチール)


    Excellent service and nice room, not as cramped as other Japanese hotels. Good location being close to JR Shin-Kobe and Sannomiya stations. Price is slightly on the high side I thought but I needed to stay close to the above stations so I could live with that given my stay was for 2 nights. I would recommend this hotel.

  • Max Papette

    Max Papette


    The hotel is conveniently located between the Shin-Kobe and Sannomiya Stations (a 15 minutes walk from each). The decor is a little dated and there's no view from the windows. My room's bathroom was fine, with a Western style bath tub. The breakfast surcharge is pretty high at 3.500¥ per person so I suggest you go to Nishimura Coffee (one of the first coffee houses in Japan and the first to serve black coffee) which is at walking distance from the hotel and it's very nice too. All and all, not too bad but next time I'm in Kobe I'll stay somewhere else.

  • Matt Wu

    Matt Wu


    Hotel Poems Kobe was great! First of all, the room is good. Not big, but very clean and has all the toiletries with quality, and that's just the cheapest room! The real star of the show is the breakfast buffet! It is to die for and a must if you stay there! The selection is pretty good, and the quality is amazing. And the desserts oh man, you've got to try it! No wonder they're rated #1 hotel breakfast in Japan for 4 years!!

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