Hotel New Otani w Chiyoda-ku

JaponiaHotel New Otani


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒102-0094 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Kioichō, 4, 紀尾井町4−1
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3265-1111
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6809232, Longitude: 139.7340566

komentarze 5

  • CJ Phelps

    CJ Phelps


    When in Tokyo, I typically stay in American-branded hotels but due to spring Cherry Blossom events, all were booked up so the Hotel New Otani was our next option at a reasonable $260/night. The Non-Smoking (THANKFULLY!) room was quite sizable for Tokyo standards, the comfortable firm bed and temperature controls led to restful sleep. The breakfast buffet in the Garden Restaurant was excellent despite the long lines of tourists clamoring to also get in, and I highly recommend a daily walk through the exquisite gardens. The many other onsite restaurants offer a variety of cuisines for breafast, lunch, and dinner, but at a premium price; we chose to take a short walk through the rear entrance where just 2 blocks away are over a hundred small but very affordable dining options. Overall a very pleasant experience enabled by the very friendly staff, I would definitely stay here again.

  • en

    Michelle E


    We stayed at the Hotel New Otani Tokyo for 4 nights and were pleased with our rooms; they were large by Tokyo standards. The hotel is enormous so if you prefer a smaller, more intimate hotel then this one is not for you. The location, however, was perfect. Further, the concierge desk was extremely helpful in making reservations for dinner as we were dealing with a food allergy and do not speak Japanese. Overall, we would stay at the New Otani again.

  • en

    Frank Robinson


    The customer service and commitment to quality always leave an outstanding impression when at the New Otani. And, membership in the New Otani Club just adds to the enjoyment. Staff are attentive and caring. The property is very well maintained. Wonderful food service and shops. Couldn’t be better! Thank you!

  • Joanne Bugeya

    Joanne Bugeya


    Lovely hotel, very nicely appointed room, very good views from the garden restaurant and at breakfast overlooking the city. The staff is lovely, and speaks English very well. Everyone was very polite and helpful. The location is excellent and made it very easy for getting around on the subway. We truly enjoyed our first stay in Tokyo, and hope to return again soon!

  • Riki Ito

    Riki Ito


    Check in was quick and the staff was very pleasant and efficient. Bell man took care of the luggage from the bus and brought it up to the lobby right away. Check out was also quick and easy The room was kept clean and amenities were replaced. Excellent service all around. Always enjoy staying at the New Otani

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