Centurion Hotel Residential Cabin Tower w Minato-ku

JaponiaCenturion Hotel Residential Cabin Tower


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒107-0052 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Akasaka, 3丁目12−16
kontakt telefon: +81 3-6229-6336
strona internetowej: www.centurion-hotel.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.67378, Longitude: 139.7377977

komentarze 5

  • Phonthawat Srisongkhram

    Phonthawat Srisongkhram


    Great price for budget travellers, spacious cabins with free amenities and TV in every room. Staff are very friendly too. Lots of restaurants and shops, convenient stores neaby within walking distance and close to train station and major tourist spots in Tokyo.

  • Bobby Guo

    Bobby Guo


    I booked for 3 nights non refundable and left the 2nd day to check into a hotel. yes it was that bad. I don’t even know where to began, I can’t really think of any pros. I’m 5’10”, and with my head touching one end, my feet keeps hitting the other end’s shelf. I slept diagonally and woke up pretty much every hour because it was so uncomfortable. Their entire floor has 24 beds, there are only 2 toilets and 2 showers (the 3rd shower was broken). The lockers are so tiny it won’t fit anything bigger than a carry on luggage. And with the size of it, you can only fit 2 people in there at the same time. We had our slipper stored in the shoe rack according to our bunk number, when we came back, they were stolen. They were slippers that we brought, not the hotel type. Anyway, stay at your risk.

  • Jacob Begay

    Jacob Begay


    I've enjoyed my stay at Centurion Cabin Towers. I'm 6'3" so I was really worried about being to long for the bed. I barely fit. I have to make sure my head is up at the top and if I go sideways I get a tad bit more room. I definitely think it's a good deal for the price and would stay here again if it wasn't during 70+ Fahrenheit weather. The cabins have a small air source but it isn't something that really cools the cabin. My first night was hot/sweaty for part of the night. Second night I bought a $20 fan at Bic Camera, nearby, and was much more comfortable. Overall, a great place to stay in a good location.

  • Terrance Smith

    Terrance Smith


    Super cheap with incredible accommodations. I stayed one night in a well rated hostel before coming here. The hostel was 50% more expensive and horribly worse to stay in. I highly recommend staying here.

  • Mike Case

    Mike Case


    Nice location. Smelled strongly of smoke. Fairly clean. but most of the other hostels I stayed at we're nicer.

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