HOTEL MYSTAYS Fukuoka Tenjin Minami w Fukuoka

JaponiaHOTEL MYSTAYS Fukuoka Tenjin Minami


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-14-20 Haruyoshi, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0003, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 92-286-1700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5887605, Longitude: 130.4063179

komentarze 5

  • Christo Lim

    Christo Lim


    Typical standard business hotel but feels outdated. The hallway was open air, like an apartment. There was a female reception at this hotel, that was rude and unhelpful. Lack of enthusiasm in helping us. Picture included.

  • Haruka Uchiyama

    Haruka Uchiyama


    Clean, modern, inexpensive, good location and friendly staff. What else do you need? I guess this hotel used to be an apartment. Our room has got a small kitchen and a pretty terrace with two chairs and a table. Plus, they have LAVAZZA’s espresso machine at the lobby.

  • Jac Ky

    Jac Ky


    We stayed here for 3 days and came back for another 4 days. However, the first three days we had a much better experience. Room is small but location is great. The second time when we came back the room was dirty. We believe the lower floor housekeeper wasn’t attentive enough to clean. If you want a budget hotel and great location I would recommend it tho. Don’t expect high end service tho.

  • Michael “BarnardStar 42” Norman

    Michael “BarnardStar 42” Norman


    This is a nice hotel. Rooms slightly larger the most Japanese hotels. The room offers a microwave, dishes, and small sink that is not in most hotels. Staff is very nice and speaks English well. Location is nice as walking distance to most things is 8 min or less.

  • M D

    M D


    We paid 7800yen for a queen-sized room, the second smallest size (glad we paid extra because it was pretty narrow). Air had a weird stale smell, and the overall feeling was kind of drab. But no problems at this hotel. The toilet and bath are separated, there's space to shower on the floor before getting into the tub, which my mother liked. Grab some amenities before going up. Our floor had a vending machine and icebox. WiFi was good, tv, staff were fine with basic English but not overly friendly. No problems here for the cheap stay. Average rating. 15 min walk to hakata, 10 from train station. Enjoyed our reasonable stay, but of course there was nothing special about it! Breakfast was an extra 1030, didn't try it.

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