Hotel Morinokaze Tateyama w Toyama

JaponiaHotel Morinokaze Tateyama



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Japan, 〒930-1454 Toyama, Hara, 3−6 市原3−6
kontakt telefon: +81 120-111-680
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.5799397, Longitude: 137.4359746

komentarze 5

  • allan van der

    allan van der


    Nice onsen resort, in/outdoors plus a nice sauna. Great food plus the ever-present typical Japanese service!

  • Andrew Foo

    Andrew Foo


    We were given fusion and mixed Japanese and European for dinner. Breakfast is simple but acceptable. Onsen is great with various pools for ultrasonic, jacuzzi and open air bath. Big hotel considering location

  • Raymond Tsui

    Raymond Tsui


    I stayed for 1 night and expecting Japanese dinner but end up Italian. I am not saying the food is not good, in fact it surprised me a bit for the service and food quality, but since the main reason I chose this hotel is because of the picture of Japanese food from internet, I was upset. Who’s really expecting Italian food while travelling in Japan? 😭 Food portion is definitely too much and so cheese. Would be a good news for cheese lover but unfortunately my father is a cheese hater who keep being disappointed and he left the table with unhappy face in the mid of the meal. That made the atmosphere super odd it seem like I am not considerate and wasting food. I still give 4 stars for the quality of food, room and environment, but recommend those who expect Japanese dinner to call the hotel in advance to ensure what they are going to serve. I checked more comments afterwards and do see some people who stay few nights had different style of dinner.

  • Nate M

    Nate M


    Fantastic meal for all 5 guests and especially for me where the chef was able to accommodate my food intolerances. Lovely place to stay.

  • Marc M

    Marc M


    The hotel is not walking distance from the station, but the staff was nice enough to come pick us up when I called them from the cable car before we went down. The location is nice and quiet. The dinner was buffet style. There were lots of options but most of them were not premium food, so it wasn't as good as the dinner we had at Kurobe View on the other side of the alpen route, but it was convenient. Breakfast was similarly buffet style and wasn't fantastic, but was good enough. The onsen was very good. The next morning the staff had a shuttle that took us back to the train station.

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