Hotel Monterey Grasmere Osaka w Osaka

JaponiaHotel Monterey Grasmere Osaka



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1-chōme-2-3 Minatomachi, Naniwa Ward, Osaka, 556-0017, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6645-7111
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6667155, Longitude: 135.4961758

komentarze 5

  • Neslie



    - Located near the shopping streets Namba, Shinsaibashi , Dotonbori etc . - Easy access to JR Namba - Front Desk is located on the 22nd Floor - Lobby Area and Exterior looks nice and a bit luxurious - Satisfied with the Customer Service - The room we stayed at was spacious and comfortable. However, it doesn’t feel like luxurious. - Can leave your luggage before your check in time - Takkyubin Service Available

  • Mauricio Torres Jr.

    Mauricio Torres Jr.


    This hotel is in a great location and decent, albeit dated. The staff, lobby, and entrance feel grand, but the rooms left much to be desired. Unlike other Japanese hotels of similar caliber, there is no bath available onsite. The front desk attempted to charge us double the online price to extend our stay for a night, which left a sour taste. Conveniently located above metro and Family Mart.

  • wolfpac



    We stayed here for 4 days and the location is the most praised for this hotel. It connects to the subway and is very convenient wherever you may go. Also, the hotel basement has a mart or grocery that is easily accesible and the connection to thr subway have lots of restaurants to eat. Just walk outside and there are other restaurants and places to visit. Walking distance to places like dotunburi etc. The room though, is dark with the lighting and carpet. But the amenities are great. Replenished daily.

  • Jim Wilson

    Jim Wilson


    This place was fantastic. The staff were incredibly friendly throughout our whole stay. We arrived before our check in time and they held our luggage while we explored around the hotel. Same when we checked out. They held our luggage even though we were no longer guests and needed to wait for our flight. The rooms are not huge but that s fine. If you're awake, you're out exploring! Most importantly, the rooms are comfortable and since you're on the 20th+ floor, your view is SPECTACULAR! Weird to note probably but the bathtub was a nice size too. After walking all day, it was nice to soak a bit in the tub. The hotel is conveniently located above a subway station so travel is quite convenient to other parts of the city or for that matter, other cities as well and is only a 10 minute walk from Dotonbori so food is always accessible.

  • Ed Lop

    Ed Lop


    I've stayed here numerous times already. It's highly recommended if you're visiting Osaka.It's walking distance to all the tourist spots and all the recommended restaurants by influencers and locals alike. Beside the train and bus station so transportation and luggage transport is a breeze! Rooms may be a bit old and small, but definitely not a deal breaker because of all the other positive benefits of staying here. Breakfast buffet is also good if you prefer to eat in the hotel.

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