Hotel Monte Hermana Sendai i Sendai

JapanHotel Monte Hermana Sendai



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1-chōme-2-15 Kakyōin, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0013, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-721-7501
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.2637085, Longitude: 140.8811407

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Kadyrbekov

    Daniel Kadyrbekov


    Excellent location, 200 m away from Sendai station. Plenty of bars, restaurants and shopping streets in the vicinity. Hotel is affordable, beautiful view of the city, clean with onsen and all the amenities.

  • James Pan

    James Pan


    Excellent location. It is closest and most convenient to the station, connected to the skywalk. Air ventilation was a disaster. The suction is dangerously weak with a real risk of suffocating in a hot bath/shower and their public bath osen.

  • H C

    H C


    Stayed at this hotel many times. It is nothing fancy but I really only was ever in the room when it was time to sleep. Like most things in Japan it is very nice even for the cheaper side of hotels.

  • Sammy Mak

    Sammy Mak


    Close to JR Sendai station which is just a few minutes walk through the linked walkway on 2/F. Walking distance to restaurants and shopping malls add well. Breakfast is very good; pastries and desserts are exceptional, well worth to add the option during time of booking. Staffs are polite and very helpful. Umbrellas are ready beside front desk while it is raining outside. The onsite onsen is another reason to book here.

  • Lehlohonolo Chefa

    Lehlohonolo Chefa


    Friendly staff and great experience. Location is perfect just by the train station, very close to major shopping facilities and it was nothing short of what I was expecting. Lodging here made my Sendai experience very easy. It’s surely the place to lodge in Sendai

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