Hotel Metropolitan Tokyo Marunouchi w Chiyoda City

JaponiaHotel Metropolitan Tokyo Marunouchi


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒100-0005 Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Marunouchi, 1-chōme−7−12 サピアタワ
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3211-2233
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6837175, Longitude: 139.7684826

komentarze 5

  • thegardengazer



    Excellent location. Next to Tokyo Train Station, restaurants and convenient stores. Easy online booking. The staff at the checkin were nice and polite. Clean bedroom and bathroom. Clean towels and complete set of toiletries. I booked the room for one person. The size of the room was perfect. One queen size bed a little soft for my taste. I definitely will stay at this hotel again. Lo

  • Matt R

    Matt R


    Great location. Super clean rooms. One downside is that there are only three coin-operated washing machines (on the lobby floor) for the entire hotel, so I couldn't start my laundry until 11pm and had to set an alarm for 1am to bring it back to my room.

  • gershim you

    gershim you


    Quiet even though it’s in the heart of Tokyo. Trains to all area of Tokyo available downstairs. Service was very good. Staff were helpful. Room view is amazing if you love trains watching. Room size is bigger than normal hotels.

  • Mykal Hildebrand

    Mykal Hildebrand


    27th floor check in, a first for me. Wonderful staff, extremely accommodating. Quiet, clean and very comfortable rooms. The restaurant is upscale and luxurious. Highly recommend a drink and the view! Great water pressure in the shower and the tap water from the sink is deliciously palatable. Location is amazing! So many food choices in Tokyo Station, traveling to and from is a snap. Thank you for your hospitality.

  • Amy Ferdz

    Amy Ferdz


    Great location right on top of Tokyo station if you can find the exit to go to the hotel. Shinkansen entrance is right under the hotel. The hotel is clean and seriously we had a corner window room and the view was just superb. The service was really good too. I booked the corner room of 22m2 but I thought the room was quite small. Literally i was at another hotel of 16m2 and it seems like it’s the same size. There’s some great eateries just around the corner away from the station if you don’t want to get lost inside.

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