Hotel LiveMax Kasai-Ekimae i Edogawa-ku

JapanHotel LiveMax Kasai-Ekimae



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6 Chome-1-3 Higashikasai, Edogawa-ku, Tōkyō-to 134-0084, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3675-0600
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6607958, Longitude: 139.8732306

kommentar 5

  • 横堀晃生



    葛西駅中央口からでたら、右方面環七沿いに歩き最初の信号で反対側に渡ります。さらに、環七沿いに進んでいくと、パールホテルが有るので越えて進みます。百円ショップと、弁当屋さんを過ぎると到着です。1階が、マックスカフェになっていて手前が入口です。無料朝食はマックスカフェで朝6:00~9:30 まで(入るのは9:00まで)です。無料ですが、おかずも種類があり満足できました。部屋のキーが電子ロックで鍵はありませんが、朝食とチェクアウトのときに、部屋番号が書いてある札が必要です。

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    Ayuka Sumi



  • Senkan Koukuu

    Senkan Koukuu


    I'd give it 4 stars out of 5 for its location as it is close to the Tozai subway line and connects you (almost) directly to Tokyo Station in less than 30 minutes. I would give it 3 stars for its service; I liked some of the hotel front staff but many of them tried their best NOT to make eye contact and I do not think that is particularly acceptable. I'd give them 4 stars or a bit more than that for their facilities and housekeeping... and another 4 stars for their price, so I guess 4 stars is about right. I would try to get this hotel if I had business around the Kasai area or anywhere near the Tozai subway line in Tokyo. This is a good hotel, and I recommend it... although it's a bit small.

  • Abel Lau

    Abel Lau


    Nice hotel! Provide all sorts of amenities including shower sponge and drip coffee. Worth staying at this price.

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