Hotel Emion Tokyo Bay i Urayasu

JapanHotel Emion Tokyo Bay


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1-chōme-1-1 Hinode, Urayasu, Chiba 279-0013, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 47-304-2727
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6473031, Longitude: 139.9198845

kommentar 5

  • Victor



    Less than ten minute walk from Shin Urayasu JR station, Aeon, Mona shopping centre, and Atré department stores, Hotel Emion offers clean and modern rooms, a luxurious bathhouse, and 10 minute shuttle buses to Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea. Staff are very accommodating and friendly, especially toward children, with seasonal events for kids such as trick or treating. We will definitely stay again for our next Disney trip.

  • agnes tandjung

    agnes tandjung


    Service good, free shuttle bus every 10 minutes to both disneyland and disneysea. Breakfast nice, with many variants of salad, soup, and japanese traditional food. Room huge for japanese standard

  • KH Seh

    KH Seh


    Hotel nearby disneyland. Friendly staffs. Provide frequent free shuttle to disneyland and disneysea. The breakfast is great, with local japanese food and some continental as well. The taste of local japanese food was awesome. Room is clean, the toilet is separated to dry and wet. Inside the hotel have family mart. Public bath is not free (600 yen or 800 yen per entry depends on time entered)

  • Zui Hirai

    Zui Hirai


    October 8, 2022. Visited on Saturday ¥12,000 / night. Without breakfast (¥2,200 for decent breakfast) The room was very clean and quiet night. You don't have to bring towels, brushes and etc. you can find everything in there or ask the front desk! There are two buildings, square and centre building. Both are close and there are shuttle bus service to Disneyland resort for free! Also we ordered the birthday cake and it was very delicious!

  • Esther



    Beds are comfortable, employees were all so sweet. It was cold but the room was a bit to toasty for my liking but they were able to provide a fan for our room. 12 floor had an amazing vew, breakfast was interesting, not much of western food option so the price they charge was to pricey. They provide bus trips to the Disney Parks. Overall, a great stay. Down the street, about 15 min walking distance, is the mall, McDonalds and a cafe as well as the train station.

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