Hotel Kintetsu Universal City w Osaka

JaponiaHotel Kintetsu Universal City


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-2-68 Shimaya, Konohana Ward, Osaka, 554-0024, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6465-6000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6684528, Longitude: 135.4371326

komentarze 5




    perfect place for family trip. decoration are full of fun. must stay if u are a sesame street fans.

  • Raymond Samson

    Raymond Samson


    This place is at an an amazing location in the center of CityWalk osaka. Very convenient to the restaurants, Universal studios, and train station. However, the two trash cans in the room are very, very small, and was told by staff just to leave the trash on the floor of the room, and the breakfast buffet was okay, but not great.




    very helpful staff! unbeatable location for visiting Universal Studios. You can get a good deal with the JR travel agency.

  • G.M. Boyd

    G.M. Boyd


    Great for a short stay, small family on a budget,, no frills, and limited bags. Frienly staff and onsite parking was available at a cost. This place is in walking distance to Universal Studios and the train station (less than 5 minutes walk). The only thing negative is there was NO closet or dresser in my room. Wife didn't like that 😕. I would stay again by myself or for a one day stay.

  • x-tina



    Great location and service. The hotel amenities were adorable. We stayed on a Sunday so the pricing was very reasonable - ¥4900 / person for a double bed room. Parking is ¥2,500 / day, which is ¥500 cheaper than the USJ parking. We were given a room on the 17th floor and could see the amusement park right out the window. They also have an official store for USJ goods on the lobby floor, in case you couldn't finish doing all of your shopping inside the park. Room was small, but very fair for the price; they only offered tea and didn't have coffee in the room. Overall, very satisfied and find this hotel to offer great cost performance.

najbliższy Kwatera

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