Hotel Intergate Tokyo Kyobashi i Chūō-ku

JapanHotel Intergate Tokyo Kyobashi



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Søndagåben 24 timer
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3 Chome-7-8 Kyōbashi, Chūō-ku, Tōkyō-to 104-0031, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5524-2929
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6754972, Longitude: 139.7709029

kommentar 5

  • David Freeman

    David Freeman


    Very nice and friendly staff. English was understandable. Small rooms, but par for the course. Very good breakfast as well

  • Timothy Lock

    Timothy Lock


    Service was great. Room was a bit smaller than we expected. Convenience store downstairs

  • Dan



    Price is expensive but room quality is superb and breakfast is quite delicious. Room view is okay. Furniture was clean and stylish. Staff spoke good English and have superb customer service. A convenience store is located just next to first floor, so you can get everything there any time. The entrance is small and hard to spot at first, but it's alright. Just look for the convenience store and it's right next to it. The hotel location takes a few minutes of walk from train station and bus station. It's also taxi friendly. Good experience overall.

  • en

    danny widjaja


    Value for money. Very close to 2 subway station, easy to go everywhere in Tokyo. Easy access to Narita Airport, just one train. Nice room. Free mobile internet device... excellent experience..

  • Artur Guttman

    Artur Guttman


    I stayed at this hotel for 3 nights and it was nice. The room was small but you have everything you need in there:slippers, pijamas and more. They change the sheets daily and offer free coffee. It's close to metro, train station and the buzz of the city.

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