ホテルメトロポリタン丸の内 i Chiyoda-ku

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Japan, 〒100-0005 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Marunouchi, 1 Chome−7−12
Kontakter telefon: +81 3-3211-2233
Hjemmeside: www.hm-marunouchi.jp
Latitude: 35.6837791, Longitude: 139.7684814
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Kommentar 5

  • Shuhei Aoki

    Shuhei Aoki


    Nice view, small little city model at the lobby, and good service

  • Keith Alverson

    Keith Alverson


    Can't beat the location if you are coming in late or leaving early on the Shinkansen. Reasonably priced given its location. Great view of the train tracks from windows placed over the urinals near the lobby on 27th floor. View also available from the breakfast restaurant (attached)

  • Mark Aidan

    Mark Aidan


    Really friendly and helpful staff during our six day stay. Found the hotel exceeded expectations and will be back again later in the year. Next to Tokyo Station and plenty of shopping. Reception is on the 27th Floor which was strange but no issue. Loved their working model of Tokyo transportation in the hotel foyer.

  • Scott Wang

    Scott Wang


    We stayed just one night to ride the Narita Express during our departure from Japan. The rooms are a bit small (20 square meters), but the staff was incredibly friendly and accommodating. We showed up early and they were not only able to take our luggage as we wandered for lunch in Tokyo Station, but were kind enough to drop it off for us in our room when we finally were ready to check in. Easy access to all of the restaurants in Tokyo Station as well as all of the major subway lines. It would be worth staying here to have access to Tokyo Station as a central hub. The model city in the lobby was quite charming.

  • Jason Strowmatt

    Jason Strowmatt


    Nice hotel. A little hard to find unless you know it's on the upper floors of an office building. The staff was very friendly and helpful. There are lots of places to eat close by and the train station is right next door. Easy in and easy out. Just stayed one night on a stopover to Nikko. The imperial palace is close and parks galore are a short distance away. Walkable but the transit system is probably easier. The rooms were on the smaller side and pricey but you pay for the luxury and convienence. It's comparable to other hotels in the area.

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