Courtyard Tokyo Ginza Hotel i Chuo City

JapanCourtyard Tokyo Ginza Hotel


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6-chōme-14-10 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3546-0111
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Latitude: 35.668321, Longitude: 139.764925

kommentar 5

  • Phoebe



    The worst courtyard and worst Marriott service I have ever experienced. Having a Platinum Elite membership is nothing here. I usually get complementary breakfast and welcome fruit in W hotel and other Marriott. Here I was told no fruit given I’ve chose the breakfast. And the reception told me it’s lower than Gold and can’t get the welcome gift. Room is the most basic (paid 90000 per night). The blind is not fully covering and you’ll need eye mask for sleeping. The cabinet is making sound by itself.

  • Tim Streitz

    Tim Streitz


    Clean and modern hotel. Small rooms could be more functional by better utilizing space, but still comfortable. Hotel has some attched restaurants, but not lively common space or amenities, which is fine if you're just wanting a place to sleep. Great location and friendly staff make it worth a stay, especially if competitively priced.

  • How 13

    How 13


    Great hotel. The staff were really helpful and very friendly. They helped guide us to some attractions and figure out transportation. The rooms are well maintained and clean. The hotel has a great location and close to some attractions and shopping areas. The hotel has a shuttle to the airport that can be booked which is great to ease travel with large luggage.

  • Paul Kim

    Paul Kim


    So I have mixed feelings about this hotel. On the one hand, the location is pretty decent and the rooms are pretty new since they refurbished them. Rooms are spotless and look quite nice. Size is that of your typical small Tokyo room. The rooms seem to be pretty decently sound proof and the beds super comfortable. First time on my 2 weeks on the road that I was able to sleep through the night. On the other hand, guest services is pretty bad. The people running the check in and concierge are pretty rude and cold and don't even bat an eye at your status. It's as if they don't really care if you're even at one of the higher tiers. Also, this is the first time I've been told that they would charge for extra bottles of water, of which are 100 yen each. For the price for the room size and the pretty bad customer service, I'm not sure if I'll be back soon. I know that they have some larger rooms coming up, so if those become available and they improve on their customer service and be a bit more personable, I may return. For now, I'll stick with the Westin or the Prince Sakura.

  • Yu-Han Chen

    Yu-Han Chen


    I recently stayed at Courtyard Tokyo Ginza with my mom to celebrate her birthday, and it was a fantastic experience! The staff went above and beyond to make us feel welcome, treating us to wines and aperitifs upon arrival. The hotel’s recent renovation in December 2023 means everything feels fresh and newly designed, especially the lighting in the room, which we loved. Despite a minor issue with the water tank taking a while to load, the overall comfort of the king-size bed, the attentive service, and great location more than made up for it. The complementary coffee and tea were a nice touch, and even though the gym wasn’t brand new, it still served its purpose well for a quick workout. Thank you to the amazing staff for making my mom’s birthday celebration so memorable! Highly recommended!

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