Hotel Hokke Club | Fukuoka en Fukuoka

JapónHotel Hokke Club | Fukuoka


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3-chōme-1-90 Sumiyoshi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0018, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-271-3171
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Latitude: 33.5859026, Longitude: 130.4149034

comentarios 5

  • jayoon



    Terrible service, the rooms were small for an expensive cost, and a 200 yen tax even though I paid in full. Would not recommend

  • Lok Lok Lok

    Lok Lok Lok


    This is my first time staying in hokke club hotel, though I always find it's branch in many japan cities. The hotel is located not far from hakata jr station, around 5 min short walk. It has numerous convenience stores around and a grocery store (look like it will be closed soon). Staff is super nice and welcoming. Once i walk into the hotel they greet me with smile. He is patient to explain every single detail to me, including public bath, wifi password breakfast, etc. Very professional indeed. As for the room, I booked a twin and not know in advance it has 3 beds! The room is big enough that I can open my luggage in full, this is not common in Japan. Toilet and public bath is average, with sufficient amenities. As per other reviewers comments, the breakfast is far too good. Lots of varieties and good taste, look like they spent lots of time preparing it. The staff is very efficient to help remove empty plates so I can keep getting food! I especially like the fried chicken, steamed eggs and orange. Coffee is good too with strong flavour. Even this hotel is not brand new with modern design, everything I see is kept in good condition, like the carpet, cabinets. I can say the hotel and the staff tried their very best to maintain it and wanted to serve guests with all effort. I am very much appreciated it and definitely will try other hokke club hotels in near future.

  • Youji Nomo

    Youji Nomo


    The breakfast buffet is the best. You can eat all of Hakata's specialties. Mentaiko, Okyuto The hot spring inside the hotel is a little small. It's only about 10 minutes walk from the station. It is located in a quiet place behind Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine.

  • Jaime Tan

    Jaime Tan


    Not really close to the station, had to walk with luggage around 15-20mins in order to reach from station. Stayed in the annex building. Room was smaller than expected. There is a 200 yen tax per night per person which needed to be paid on site even though I booked and paid for the room in full on Agoda. Place was clean and had 7-11 nearby.

  • Fuiringu Ou

    Fuiringu Ou


    Was glad the hotel allowed us to put luggage there 1 day prior to our stay at the hotel, bottled water was provided daily. room size was rectangular and the view was meh. Cleaning done daily which is a rarity these days. The hotel had free onsen available as well but I didn't get to try it. There was sufficient hanging area. toiletries including facial wash included. 2 room key provided. staying tax of 200 per pax per day. We didn't try their meal, Location wise it is about 10 min walk but there are two 711 nearby. Staff was helpful as well.

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