Hotel Harvest Hamanako en Hamamatsu

JapónHotel Harvest Hamanako


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372 Mikkabichō Ōsaki, Hamana-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-1403, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 53-526-1713
sitio web:
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Latitude: 34.7855865, Longitude: 137.5674266

comentarios 5

  • Theresa Mayer

    Theresa Mayer


    Unfortunately this was the only bad experience in Japan. We had booked a stay for 2 nights. Upon arrival they said the restaurant was fully booked for dinner and when we went to check it out, there were multiple tables available. We then tried to reserve for the next night and the staff told my husband it was fully booked. How can you not have availability for guests? On top, finding another good restaurant nearby is almost impossible. We were there to spend time at the hotel and enjoy the amenities. The staff never tried to accommodate for us or made an effort to make us feel welcome. Very bad experience! Not recommended at all, especially if you are not Japanese.

  • Yuko



    Old Harvest Hotel, but it's clean and well-kept. The lake view from the room is fabulous and the room is specious enough. You can see some stars from the open-air bath.

  • An Na

    An Na


    Old building with renovated onsen area and with beautiful view to Inohana lake. The bus schedule is a bit frustrating - check out at 11:00 and the shuttle bus to Washidzu station is at 13:10. Also, for two people in room they are providing 1 discount coupon for harvest shop. That doesn't make sense because in the same Harvest club but in another location they provide coupons to each guest.

  • S D

    S D


    Great place to relax. Nice view of calm lake from the rooms with great onsen.

  • NeilAyaKen



    Big rooms, excellent quality buffet for dinner and breakfast.

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