Tokiwasure Kaikatei en Hamamatsu

JapónTokiwasure Kaikatei


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412 Kanzanjicho, 西区 Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-1209, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 53-487-0208
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Latitude: 34.7623176, Longitude: 137.6194464

comentarios 5

  • j m

    j m


    Overall, I felt that the service and baths were good, but the facilities and food were not so good, so I don't think I will visit again. ■Location ・The view is good right next to Lake Hamana. ・Conveniently located next to 7-Eleven. ・There is a large parking lot in the back. ■Room ・This is a 12 tatami Japanese-style room facing Lake Hamana with a Japanese bed.It feels a little old, including the concrete on the window side, but it is kept clean so there is no problem. ・There are tables and chairs on the side of Lake Hamana, so you can relax and enjoy the view. ■Large bath ・When heading to the large public bath, there are stairs both after entering the bath and before going to the open-air bath, which may be difficult for elderly people. ・The open-air bath doesn't have a great view, but it feels good. ・The indoor baths are plentiful and comfortable, including a Jacuzzi, lying bath, and cold bath. ・There is also a sauna, but I didn't use it. ・I'm glad that there is a massage machine in the changing room and it's free. ・There is a water server outside the changing room. I'm glad it's inside. ・Please bring your towels from your room. I'm happy to have it in the bathroom. ■Meals - Dinner was grilled eel, grilled eel, and kamameshi. The quantity was sufficient, but the taste was so-so. ■Service ・Everyone provided good customer service. ・I was able to watch fireflies at the front desk. I felt that they were trying to provide even the slightest hospitality to the guests.

  • lo chi

    lo chi


    I was stopped on the way home, and when I thought something was wrong, I was given a sample of Bigen's strange color treatment, which ruined my trip mood. Moreover, one bottle is heavy. I just completed the shipping procedure for my package. This person makes all the wrong decisions. What do the people at the inn think about traveling? I feel like they're pushing things like this, which are sold everywhere, without even asking about their convenience. The customers of this inn are probably people who use items in this price range and think, ``If I give them this, they will appreciate it.'' Moreover, it's for gray hair, and I don't have gray hair. It's a terrible feeling to be used by this person to earn pocket money. I'm starting to dislike this manufacturer as well. It is not possible to charge the account at the store to the room. Because it's a small amount! Because it's a small amount! and forced to pay in cash. The number of items in the shop is very different from the photos on the website, and there are very few items, and there are also some strange handmade items. It seems possible to send by courier, but they don't seem to sell cardboard boxes, so they kindly serve used cardboard boxes without even removing the delivery slip (I wonder if they don't care about the customers' packages). Yamato Transport's shipping charges were higher than the official price. There was no explanation and no records were written, so I checked it on the spot and wrote it down, but I felt like they were trying not to create any evidence. I wonder how the accounting is going? The facilities are old and the toilet in the room smells. There is a high step in the toilet. There is an elevator, but there are stairs for both men and women to reach the public bath. The changing room looked like new equipment. Only the hot springs are good. However, the washbasin corner smells old and makes me want to stop. I'm scared of hair dryers that have their malfunctioning parts connected with sellotape. The souvenirs at the shop, which had been recommended to me by a long-established Japanese confectionery shop and said they were really delicious, didn't taste very good, and I was glad I didn't have dinner here. I think it's good for people who eat information. The only good thing about the breakfast was the large pieces of dried horse mackerel. (Although it was greasy) The ingredients in Shizuoka are supposed to be delicious, but what? and. Is this standard in this area? Until the end, the older female employee's movements are a bit... Could it be the person in charge? All interactions with that one person were suspicious, giving a bad impression of the inn. I feel like he can't read the atmosphere, but he's trying to force things with a face like ``I'm doing something good,'' and I'm really tired of it until the end. Other than that one person, there were many movements that could have given a good impression. That one person was destroying everything. I had visited Kanzanji Onsen several times in the past and had a good impression. If I had stayed here on my first visit, I don't think I would have come back. I don't want to get involved in any way with a company that is motivated by selfish thinking or doesn't make things visible to the customer clearly. I looked at past reviews from various people, and it seems that multiple people have posted photos of themselves inside the hot springs. Did you take the photo yourself? It would be fine if they checked with the facility before taking the photo, but there was no mention of that, so they brought a device that could take photos from the changing room to the public bath and took the photo...? If this is a facility that does not prohibit this behavior, it would be extremely scary.

  • ちびキャロ



    I stayed with my elderly mother. Customer service was polite. The hotel was well maintained and the rooms were clean. The room smelled like tatami and had a nice view. Dinner was so delicious that I couldn't finish it. I was disappointed that the horse mackerel for breakfast was cold, but I guess it can't be helped. Also, there were small hairs inside the container, and I was disappointed, thinking that something like that could happen. The hot springs were much nicer than I expected and I went there many times. Both the open-air bath and the indoor bath are satisfying. My mother wants to come back again, so I don't know if she'll be able to come again since it's far away, but if I ever come to Hamamatsu again, I'd like to come back.

  • Rahadian YUDO Hartantyo

    Rahadian YUDO Hartantyo


    Excellent hotel with nice traditional room and food. I can also get vegetarian traditional food. Great view of Hamana lake.

  • K O

    K O


    good dinner, good hot springs.

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