浜名湖オーベルジュ キャトルセゾン en Kosai

Japón浜名湖オーベルジュ キャトルセゾン



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317-93 Yokoyama, Kosai, Shizuoka 431-0401, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 53-578-1000
sitio web: auberge.l-qs.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7679252, Longitude: 137.5293274

comentarios 5

  • the Strong

    the Strong


    A quiet auberge along Lake Hamana, where you can fully enjoy the scenery. The building is a little old and the inside is a little small, but it has a nice atmosphere. A glamping facility is also scheduled to open around summer, so I'm looking forward to that as well.

  • ちいはる



    I made a reservation at this restaurant for my anniversary. The wonderful scenery, the delicious food, the conversation with the waiter who served us, and his attentiveness all made me feel comfortable and moved. We had a wonderful and memorable time. Everything was delicious, especially the fish dishes and sweets! Thank you for the wonderful time. I would like to use it for a stay next time.

  • 花太郎金太郎



    [Overlooking Lake Hamana! Beautiful view restaurant] It's been 10 years since we had a wedding. I was invited to a young man's wedding. This is a restaurant rating. The location is far from Hamamatsu. About an hour and a half by bus. I didn't get bored because I had friends. The location is on a hill. Although it is an old building, it is very tasteful. A wonderful view of Lake Hamana. It was evening that day, so as the sun went down, the scenery turned red. Now for the food. Since it was a wedding meal, I wasn't expecting much. In conclusion, it was delicious. The ingredients are rich, such as caviar and foie gras, and the dish is very unique. It was delicious and had local ingredients. It may be just a matter of taste, but there were some items that I wondered about the balance between sweetness and ingredients, but overall they were delicious. The service was very good and the staff were very bright and nice. It will create a wonderful atmosphere for anniversaries and special days.

  • えり



    Stayed in a suite room. It felt like luxury. The food was delicious😋It was authentic French cuisine, and the staff were very polite and helpful.It was a wonderful trip starting from New Year's Day. However, the room light is a spot or down light. It's moody, but it's hard to see when looking at something (lol) It's partly because of my age.

  • k k

    k k


    The food is elegant and delicious. Polite customer service. Excellent view. However, the timing coincided with a dinner for people who were attending a wedding, so the speed of serving the food apparently slowed down, and it took two and a half hours from the time it started to the time we left the restaurant. I hope for improvement.

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