Hotel Green Plaza Shodoshima en Tonosho

JapónHotel Green Plaza Shodoshima


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2464 Igisue, Tonosho, Shozu District, Kagawa 761-4131, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 879-62-8161
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Latitude: 34.4998055, Longitude: 134.1676178

comentarios 5

  • Motoko sA

    Motoko sA


    Although it is a little far from the port, I was able to enjoy the quiet and elegant feeling of being released from the busy world as I watched the ships passing by from my room. The changing room and bath are spacious, and the open-air bath is great for bathing in the morning while watching the sunset over the ocean. The room is also beautiful. Vending machines sold food and ice cream, and free drinks were available on the terrace, making it an unusual way to spend your time. The meal was a bento, but I was full from the hotpot, sashimi, soup, and rice buffet cooked in tsukudani. I think the cost performance is the best. All the staff were very polite and had warm smiles, which made me want to express my gratitude.☺

  • 電卓愛好会



    [Spot name] Hotel Green Plaza Shodoshima ★4.5 [Date and time of visit] May 2024 [Experience] This hotel is located on Shodoshima. There are many parking lots. The rooms were spacious and the large public bath had both an indoor bath and an open-air bath, and it was very comfortable. There was a shower that was a little broken, but I didn't mind because I could have used another shower. (The main reason is that I visited on a weekday, when there weren't many other customers.) There were 5 types of rice to go with it, including all-you-can-eat katsu and tsukudani, and it was a very satisfying experience. In the cafe space, you can drink coffee and juice as much as you like 24 hours a day, so you can relax and have a good time.

  • Hsieh Selina

    Hsieh Selina


    The atmosphere is very comfy and friendly. You can enjoy the one of the best views in the island while you take a hotspring. The dinner was alright but the staff are super helpful. Highly recommend. It's my second time to visit and it's the reason I visited Shodoshima island again。 If you check the pictures,the view from deck, from outdoor hotspring and breakfast place are for real! The views itself are worthy for second time visiting. Yeah the facilities are old but the staff maintain everyplace very well. The Japan style dinner is well served by table except the summer buffet period from 14th July to the end of August. We rented a car from hotel for ¥6830 for over night, which would only rent 6 hours at other places. The owner runs a singular drink happy hour from 3pm to 5pm and it costs less than ¥1,000 as I remember. The hotel has pickup service from the port from 3pm.The next day shuttle service is 8:20 AM,9:30 and 9:50 AM.

  • Hoi Mei Tang

    Hoi Mei Tang


    Good view! But a litter bite far away from the pier ! Free shuttle bus for guess ! Not bad !

  • Victor Li

    Victor Li


    Good hotel with decent dinner. Worth the price!

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