Honma Dental Clinic en Niigata

JapónHonma Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-1-2 Asahimachi, Kita Ward, Niigata, 950-3315, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-386-1414
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.919965, Longitude: 139.223218

comentarios 5

  • おおはしゆういち



    As you get used to it, the response from the people involved becomes sloppy.

  • 佐々木克将



    Thank you for your help for over 30 years. Is he a good doctor who travels all the way to see you? If you ask me that, I'll say no, but if I lived nearby, I'd probably go there normally.

  • たまとら



    Both the doctor and hygienist are kind and polite.

  • 芳賀井泰子



    Although some of the writing is terrible, I think I'm a good teacher.

  • プラスマイナス



    Even though I didn't ask for it, they started removing the tartar on my teeth, and the filling came off right after about 2 days. Seven to nine years ago, I couldn't get my baby tooth to come out naturally, so I went to have it removed, but they forcibly pulled it out with pliers without anesthesia, and it was quite painful.

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