Howaitoberishikaiin en Niigata




🕗 horarios

6-chōme-1-31 Kōnan, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0855, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-286-0118
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.9031518, Longitude: 139.0831156

comentarios 5

  • まみ



    At other clinics, I had given up on orthodontics at nearly 1 million yen, but I found this one. I'm very grateful that I can fix it cheaply. I'm looking forward to getting my teeth straightened.

  • 嵐田修次



    I was introduced and visited. They always guide you right away without having to wait. This time I had my teeth cleaned and whitened. Please give me a detailed explanation. We also created a sports mouthpiece at the same time. He cleans all of your teeth in a short time each time, and does not force you to come in more than necessary.

  • na



    I had a complex misalignment of my front teeth, so I started orthodontics. I was a little reluctant to shave my teeth, but by the third mouthpiece, I realized that my teeth were clearly aligned. I am very happy that I can also do whitening at the same time. ☺︎




    I visited from Aichi prefecture for orthodontic treatment. He has the technical ability to perform corrections at a reasonable price. He has been implementing mouthpiece correction from a very early stage, so you can trust him with the treatment. The price was also quite reasonable compared to other stores. It's worth going to Niigata.

  • 松井美幸



    I went there for mouthpiece correction. In about a year, my teeth became much more beautiful and the price was reasonable, so I'm really glad I did it! Now you can smile with confidence! If you are unsure, we recommend that you receive counseling at least once. The teachers and staff were friendly and made me feel at ease!

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