Honke Tsuruki Soba en Otsu

JapónHonke Tsuruki Soba



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-11-40 Sakamoto, Otsu, Shiga 520-0113, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 77-578-0002
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0706022, Longitude: 135.8702954

comentarios 5

  • Anne Fernando

    Anne Fernando


    Stumbled upon this restaurant while looking for a lunch place after Enryaku-ji trip. Only found out during my visit that this restaurant is already more than 300 years old. We ordered their bestselling tempura soba and kamo nanban soba. There's a quite strong herbal taste in the broth of tempura soba which may be a hit or miss depending on taste. The kamo nanban soba is definitely a crowd favorite -- super good broth and perfect for the cold weather. Their preserved ayu also tasted delicious with a nice smoky flavor.

  • Kunihiko KORIYAMA

    Kunihiko KORIYAMA


    We had a tasteful and traditional soba here. The price is bit high but really good taste.

  • Timothy HALL

    Timothy HALL


    A soba noodle restaurant located roughly 5-10 away from Hiyoshi Shrine's main entrance. The restaurant is quite popular among tourists visiting Sakamoto. There are often lines to get in around lunch-time, and during weekends. There is free parking available to paying customers located nearby. Prices for a tei-shoku (set meal/plate) start from around 1500 yen. There is a nice view of a garden once seated inside the restaurant.

  • Andrew Mechem

    Andrew Mechem


    Delicious food at a very reasonable price, also had a well written English menu which was appreciated. Go before or after visiting Mt. Hiei! They also sell soba noodles that they hand make if you wish to take some home.

  • Alan Sweeney

    Alan Sweeney


    Good not great. Definitely not worth the 30 minute wait to get in. Duck was tough & overcooked.

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