Hohoemino Kūyufu Tsuruya w Tendō

JaponiaHohoemino Kūyufu Tsuruya



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-5-14 Kamatahonchō, Tendō, Yamagata 994-0025, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 23-654-2051
strona internetowej: www.tsuruya-h.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.3582816, Longitude: 140.3825985

komentarze 5

  • 勇康



    Hotel staff are friendly and helpful, we stay 3 night here and my kids enjoy the onsen and the hotel, their outdoor onsen is private and cozy. Public bathroom clean and equipped with Dyson hairdryer.

  • Sally Liu

    Sally Liu


    Super friendly staff, an outdoor onsen that pampers you, and rooms that are clean, comfy, and pretty. This hotel comes highly recommended to anyone visiting Tendo, especially when there is no availability in the Ginzan Onsen area! The only weakness is that they can't offer vegetarian meals, but there are restaurants within walking distance that can accommodate vegetarians.

  • Hallelujah



    Very good modern style ryokan near yamadera. Service - the staff is very kind and accommodating. Speak english decently. Shuttle bus is also available free of charge. Rooms - very comfy beds and the tatami flooring is nice. All amenities you need are provided. Food - included dinner was very appetizing and my waitress host gunma was very kind in explaining each meal using a translation machine. Onsen - two baths available. Outdoor one was relaxing and peaceful as I was the only one there. Although i had to pay an extra fee of 135 yen for taking my shoes out after check in it wasnt a dealbreaker. For around 200 usd total I had a fantastic stay overall.

  • Paul W

    Paul W


    Highly recommended. The staff are standout super efficient, always available and friendly. The hotel is spotlessly clean and newly refurbished (especially the rooms). The Japanese breakfast was an amazing experience. If we had to do this northwest region again we'd definitely repeat this as our base.

  • Gavin Kubat

    Gavin Kubat


    This ryokan was excellent and the staff were very helpful and friendly. We showed up a little later than expected but they were still happy to receive us. It was only one night sadly, but the experience was still well worth it. They have a shuttle which is extremely helpful. The breakfast is very good. I would definitely stay here again if I'm back in Tendo someday.

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