Hiraoka Post Office i Higashiosaka

JapanHiraoka Post Office



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19-7 Takadonochō, Higashiosaka, Osaka 579-8799, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 570-047-699
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.668045, Longitude: 135.6347512

kommentar 5

  • ぽるぽる



    Whenever I get a delivery, I don't usually walk over, probably because it's a hassle to come to my door. I have to go from here. It was raining, so I put up with it and waited at the front door, but he reluctantly walked slowly over. When I make a U-turn on my motorcycle, I enter the premises without any problem, but when I deliver the mail, I rarely enter the premises. I felt that Hiraoka Post Office was really unfriendly.

  • たぬKINGもへ



    When I moved the trash can in the garage to take out the trash in the morning, postcards and envelopes came out from behind the trash can. From behind the trash can, not the mailbox. And just the names of the neighbors. I wonder what the delivery man at Hiraoka Post Office was thinking when he did this.

  • koume839



    There is an ID photo outside. For 1,000 yen, you can choose color, black and white, or a size that matches your license or resume.

  • じゅんじゅん



    When I inquired about shipping, an elderly-looking woman answered the phone, and the service was truly terrible. Don't call me from the moment I answer the phone! That tone is 100%, Even though I change the way I listen many times, I just keep repeating the same words. I called him after researching on the internet, so why do I have to ask him unnecessary questions over and over again in a quarrelsome manner? What's more, he's slurring his words so much that I can't even understand what he's trying to say! I want you to read it over the phone! Is the post office really that great? I was treated very unfriendlyly by the woman I dealt with here before, so I guess that's how it is. I don't use it unless I can choose a delivery option other than the post office, but I really don't want to go here! Actually, I don't want to go to the post office! Isn't the post office a private company?

  • ぼなぱるとJr



    Although it's a large post office, it's not the place to buy stamps, and only two of the four normal reception desks are open. Even at a small post office in my neighborhood, there are only two counters, so considering the size of the building and the number of people visiting, I don't think there are many windows open. Furthermore, the processing by the female staff was not in a hurry and was very slow even though many people were standing in front of the counter holding reception papers. To put it bluntly, it's a bad idea. What's more, even when it was my turn, I didn't feel like I was sorry to have kept you waiting, and I had no expression on my face. I would like you to improve it a little. When I was going in and out of the parking lot, the delivery person's motorcycle was frequently leaving and coming back, but I was careful to watch out for cars in the parking lot and paused when I left the parking lot. , I had a good impression.

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