Higashiyodogawa Sugahara-7 Post Office i Osaka

JapanHigashiyodogawa Sugahara-7 Post Office



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7-chōme-10-10-5 Sugahara, Higashiyodogawa Ward, Osaka, 533-0022, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6329-6686
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
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Latitude: 34.7421363, Longitude: 135.5221019

kommentar 5

  • 松本なると



    There's a delivery box, so put it in.

  • Barca Barca

    Barca Barca


    The staff's attitude was so bad that it made me feel bad when I used it for the first time, so I don't want to go there again. I especially can't stand the attitude of the old lady. When the customer returned home, there was no word of thanks, and that kind of service was disappointing.

  • 桃茶太郎



    I've been using this post office for decades. I have never felt bad about it.

  • 四加一樹



    The lady sitting at the post office is not very friendly. I sometimes feel like I'm bored when I pass by, but I want to say it's your fault. I don't laugh even when children laugh at me. Young women smile at me, but I guess she doesn't like children.

  • k



    This post office makes me feel bad every time I go there. Bad attitude, lack of study, especially old women and ugly women. Because I can't respond properly, procedures are delayed every time, and I don't apologize even if I have to rewrite something because it inconveniences the customer. I used to use another post office in Awaji because of the poor customer service and lack of knowledge (the staff here are excellent and never make me feel uncomfortable. The same procedure only takes a few minutes).It's been a while since I last visited this post office. I used it, but it rummaged through my luggage and opened the products without my permission. He didn't know the names of things, and his attitude and lack of study were terrible. I laughed because I was so stupid when I asked people to write whether accessories come with batteries. I've never seen a product like that. It's too bad that you still haven't apologized. At the post office here, a procedure that takes just a few minutes takes three times as long, and the procedure cannot be processed. As an added bonus, you will be annoyed all day long by the bad attitude of the female staff. To put it bluntly, this is a low-level post office. They are not well-educated and should learn how to serve customers. I've been to many post offices and this is the worst. It's such an amazing post office that I feel uncomfortable every time I go there.

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