Hazuki en Shinshiro



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Takiue-45 1 Toyooka, Shinshiro, Aichi 441-1631, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 536-32-1211
sitio web: www.hazu.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9707155, Longitude: 137.6139614

comentarios 5

  • あんちゃん



    I have stayed at all of the HAZU group inns in Yutani Onsen, but this is my personal favorite. There are only two private baths, but there are only five guest rooms, so we didn't have to worry about crowds. The hot spring water is slightly murky and flows directly from the source, and the view of the mountains and river from the open-air bath is soothing. You can also enjoy medicinal dishes that are carefully prepared. The staff were courteous and helpful, and we had a stay where we were able to refresh our bodies and minds with the hot springs, medicinal dishes, and nature of Yutani Onsen. If you were to ask me where I would recommend a place to stay in Aichi Prefecture, my answer would definitely be Hazuki. It is a good old Japanese hot spring inn with good cost performance.

  • シャンプーホイ(小恵)



    I used it for a day trip bath with lunch included. Even though I wasn't staying overnight, I was greeted with tea and sweets in the lobby as soon as I arrived. We were prepared to share a table, but we decided to use one room as a private room. Do medicinal dishes taste bitter? That's what I thought, but it turned out to be delicious as a Chinese dish, and the quantity was satisfying. And I feel refreshed without feeling sluggish after eating (this is my personal impression). The baths change over time, so you can enjoy them before or after your meal. I think it's a bit difficult that there are two washing areas in the indoor bath. The overall service and customer service was excellent, and I would like to come back to stay there again.

  • ヒロ



    I went to a bathing plan that included a day trip meal. Meals are medicinal dishes. When you think of medicinal cuisine, you might think that it is mainly Chinese medicine, so you may be reluctant to try it, but this medicinal cuisine is really delicious. The taste may seem bland, but it's not unsatisfying. It has its own personality, but it doesn't have any quirks. Each piece is carefully crafted in both taste and appearance. Employee explanations are thorough and concise. It feels extremely calm. The baths include an open-air bath facing the river and an indoor bath. Men and women will be swapped depending on the time. Both are very atmospheric and it's hard to choose between them. I really had a quality and relaxing time.

  • frank zz

    frank zz


    Such a wonderful place. Onsen: (10/10) Soooo nice that you can enjoy the river while in the bath (Its because corona, now the onsen becomes kashikiri rental-style so you can enjoy with ur family. Not sure if they changed back to 大浴場 style or not, you can ask them by call to ensure) Service: (12/10) Very good. My shoes got wet the 2nd day and they helped dry it for me after they found out (without asking them to do so). All the other requests are handled properly as well. But notice that they seemed not to be good at English, so if you dont speak some Japanese you may not feel as much great service as they offer. But anyways should be great Food: (9.5/10) They offer luxurious japanese style chinese food. You may or may not like it. Though I dont feel like chinese food can be luxurious Overall this is not a really popular place and its quite expensive, and you may hesitate to visit ot not. My suggestion is definitely go for it if you like the nature landscape + onsen spring bath type of trip. The surronding mountains and rivers are great and you can visit. Its not worse or even better than the most famous onsen places in Japan like Hakone. I will upload image later dont have my phone right now

  • alfred alfred

    alfred alfred


    Ambience was a little provincial, it felt warm. Every employee’s action was slow and less sophisticated. Sometimes it makes customers feel cozy and lazy; you should obey their way. Room cleaning was perfect. What I was impressed was upper side of a wardrobe where customers seldom saw. There was no dust. I remember there was much dust left on the wardrobe of the 5star hotel. Comparing these two, Haduki had a good cleaning policy. This was an accommodation of cuisine, not for enjoying onsen. Dishes were superb! I ate them thoroughly. A bit Chinese taste. But those were not as oily as the usual Chinese was. There were 2 baths in the accommodation for 5 or 6 rooms. It was not enough for the customers who wanted to bathe at the same period before dinner. We had to wait almost an hour to get to bathe. The worse their sizes and facilities were very different. Good amenities and landscape were set in the big one, however a poor bathtub and facilities in the small one. We had to wait almost an hour to take a bath before dinner because the two of them were occupied by the other customers. It was bad we had to check by ourselves whether the baths became empty or not, even the baths were a bit far from our room. I hope if we could check the vacancy by a smartphone. Anyway, my impression to Haduki was great. I visit it again.

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