Hayashi Dental Clinic i Kanazawa

JapanHayashi Dental Clinic



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3-chōme-15 Takaominami, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 921-8154, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-296-0008
internet side: hayashi-dental-c.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.5193964, Longitude: 136.6281296

kommentar 5

  • タンヤオ



    My husband and I were using it. My wife went to the hospital for cavities treatment, but the pain did not go away even after the cavities treatment. It was so painful that I went to another dentist, who told me that the medicine wasn't applied properly to the deep area where the nerve was removed, so the affected area had become swollen. In short, it's rough. When it comes to tooth decay treatment, it basically involves a lot of grinding, so if you value your teeth, I think it's better to quit. My husband and I vowed never to use it again.

  • フェチ



    I had a silver tooth made, but there was a hole from the beginning. When I pointed it out, he said there was no problem, so I changed him to another dentist. unfortunate skill

  • X X

    X X


    You can receive information about medical examinations and complete a small number of examinations. Although it is covered by insurance, I always feel it is cheap. I've been to quite a few dentists, but I think he's the kindest.

  • まっつぼくり



    I was visiting the hospital for treatment of tooth decay. When I was told that my tooth was covered and finished, I felt happy because I thought my visit to the hospital was finally over, but about a week later, the tooth that was supposed to have been treated started to hurt. Therefore, when I visited the doctor again, they decided to remove the crown and start grinding down the tooth again... I was suspicious of something, so I went to another dental clinic, and X-rays showed that the cause was abscess deep inside the tooth. I started going to this dental clinic because it had good reviews on the internet, but now that I think about it, because of its popularity, the dental hygienist cuts my teeth every time, and then the clinic director looks at it for a little while and then it's like the rest of the process is over. It may have felt a little sloppy. I didn't want to go to the dentist's office again, where I felt sore within a week after the procedure ended.

  • ひーちゃん&まーちん



    I went for the first time to get a pregnancy dental checkup on July 5, 2022! When I told her that I was in the process of applying for a health insurance card, she initially said no, but when I asked if she had another doctor, she happily accepted and said that I didn't need a health insurance card and that I didn't need any tests! You did a great job! I found a cavity in my wisdom tooth, so after completing the health insurance card process, I'm going to have it treated (lol)! If you need anything even after treatment, come here!

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